looking to the vampire in a different light

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To the desk, the two worked in silence and diligently. Questions swirled in types mind, to his irritation.
Why do you want to know? He is the enemy..... Not your friend.....
I hate that I've been near it for the last two months. Been forced into this, forced into being molested, hurt, shocked, left for dead and turned into this fucking thing...... Why do I have these questions?
Why the hell do I care or want to know!
This vampire almost had me turned into a human blood whore....
Peering his eyes up, tharn saw type pushing the pen to the paper in anger.
Type closed his eyes to take calming breathes.
Opening, he went back to work.
Tharn looked him over to shrug to get back to work.
Calm yourself type....... Just..... ask...... Even if you do nothing will change...... You will still hate the bastard.
Turning the pen, type hit the end too the paper to keep his eyes to it.
"Um...... tharn?"
"The..... Other night....... When you left......I...... Saw a blood droplet on my hand...... Were you..... Crying?"
Tharn froze to peer his eyes up slowly.
Type gulped, to keep his eyes to the paper.
"Why, do you care?"
Types lips slowly parted.
Good question.....
"So...... You did cry?"
"I....... Did. But it was not over you. Now get back to work."
Tharn looked back to his work. Type looked to tharn.
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"My...... Ex. Now will you...."
Type dropped the pen to place his head to his hand, leaning a bit over, intrigued.
"Maybe...... Since you cried over them.... You should let me go and go to them...."
Tharn smirked to shake his head to eye type.
"Mmm......I can hear the hope in your voice. That will not happen."
Type gritted his teeth.
"Why not! You can go back to them, I can go back to my parents and...."
"There dead type." Tharn interrupted.
Type froze, he's face fell to look down.
Tharns eyes darted over his face to then look down.
"Did you...... Kill the......"
Tharn looked to type in anger.
Type looked him over to gulp.
"Watch it half breed!"
Moving a bit around, tharn peered his eyes down.
"When....... Was the last time you were with them?"
"50 years ago."
"How long were you with them?"
Tharn stopped writing to furrow his eye brows to look to type confused by this line of questioning.
"Why do you care to know type?"
I..... Really don't know..... Also trying to find your weakness......
Type looked to the paper to shrug.
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"25 years."
Type then picked up his pen to start writing.
"Did you....... Love them? Is your kind even capable?"
Tharn looked type over.
"Your kind doesn't even comprehend that word or emotion. For my kind, it travels deep within us to our cores. Have...... You've ever?"
Type stopped writing to grit his teeth.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Mmm.....we can talk about my life but not...."
"No......I..... Haven't...... Being gay...... Is not an easy thing....... especially when your a....."
Type then started to write in anger.
Your no longer just human type.
Tharns face fell to nod.
"No...... It is not an easy thing. No matter what kind you are."
Types eyes widen to look to tharn who was concentrating on his work.
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Why else do you think I was so good at giving you a...."
Type cleared his throat making him look up.
"Don't...... Don't say it."
Tharn nodded.
"How..... Long have you've been?"
Tharn shrugged.
"A very long time. And yourself?"
Type looked to the paper to take a hand to the corner to play with eyeing.
"Since......I could remember........I...... Just didn't like the opposite sex...... Can't really tell you why........ In..... Middle school......I.... Had a crush...... However he the way I looked to him...... He kept me away and called me names....... After that I kept it to myself...... No one knows......."
"Other then me?"
Type shrugged.
"Is that...... Why your a virgin then?"
Type signed to look to the vampire.
"Figured that all by yourself, did you?"
"Mmm..... You.... Never told your parents?"
Type shook his head.
"From my experience, don't."
Type looked over the vampire, seeing something behind his eyes, something heart broken.
His face fell.
Tharn looked him over confused with his deamnor.
"So type? Why are you asking me these things hmm?"
Type shrugged.
"I..... Really don't know..... Guess..... Wanting to know a bit about my captor."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"I'm your master type and I paid for...."
Type looked up with furrowed eye brows.
"You do not own me vampire!"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Would you like to say that again in a room filled with my kind?"
Type froze to shiver.
"You are still a...."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Learning things about me, does not take away from the fact I do own you type, rather you like it or not."
Looking to his watch, tharn saw in two hours would be his slumber.
Types eyes darted, another question bubbled to his mind.
He placed his hand down to then take his eyes to his work.
"What..... Is it like...... To kiss another..... Man?"
Tharns eyes widen a bit to stop writing.
"Would....... You like to try?"
Type grabbed his pen feeling like he's lost his mind.
"Not...... With you..... If that is what you are questioning...."
Tharn looked to type.
"Mmm...... But we have when...."
Type looked sternly to the vampire.
"That..... Was not a kiss...... You just wanted my blood."
Tharn cocked his head to the side to shrug.
Types face smoothed to start hitting the pen to the desk.
"Mmm..... tharn?"he gulped.
Tharn signed.
"What..... Is it like to...... Have..... Sex with a man?"
Tharn stopped writing once more, to look to type, who kept his head hung.
He could now understand this line of questioning.
"Mmm..... Now I understand.... Why you are asking these things......mmmm..... Shouldn't have turned you has a virgin....."
Type widened his eyes to look to tharn confused.
"You have new energy and triple the blood flowing through your veins. Meaning you are starting to want to become sexual, have an appetite for it, doesn't help you haven't had it. Thus you have this..... Pull to me.  It's has if when you humans go through your puberty. Same thing."
Type started to breathe heavily.
"I..... Don't want to have se....."
Tharn lightly chuckled to look down shrugging.
"You may not, but your sexual outbursts will come to being type....... Know this.... You are not going to have sex with anyone while your under my roof."
Type narrowed his eyes.
"Why would I...... Only soulless corpses are under your......"
Tharn looked up to narrow his eyes.
Type rolled his eyes.
"I..... Am done with your work. I want to leave."
Don't like how this discussion is going.
Tharn cocked his head to the side.
He saw type eyeing his throat.
"Mmm..... Are you thirsty half breed?"
Type stood to turn his head to the side.
"I'm..... Fine......"
"Has a new half breed, you need to feed."
Turning in his chair, he kept his eyes to type.
"Come and sit, be good boy for your master and I'll fed you."
Types eyes widen.
"You have got to be fucking...."
"Type! Stop the vulgarity, continue, I won't fed you for 2 days. Now......come here."
Type took a deep breathe in.
Compiling, he walked to tharn, to stand before him, head hung, fists balled.
Type took a deep breathe in to sit on his knee, keeping his head hung.
Tharn looked to him, to let a nail grow, to move his head to the side, to draw a blood line.
Type signed, smelling the intoxicating aroma.
"Mmm..... type......I will not draw another."
Types eyes turned white, his canines painfully came down. Turning his head he went straight to his throat to puncher.
Tharn laid his one arm to his desk, the other went to his back, tharn moaned a bit.
Type sightly opened his eyes to then slowly bring up his hand to place it to his chest to clutch his shirt.
That moan, was resonating with type, especially with what they just talked about.
Taking his canines out, feeding to his fill, type breathed slowly in and out, leaning his head back, tharn turned his, they two looked to another to share in an confusing moment.
Darting his eyes, type didn't know why, but he was seeing this vampire differently, he saw gentleness, compassion.
Maybe..... They aren't...... All bad..... Maybe..... Some could have a soul.....
Letting his eyes drift a bit, he started to lean forward wishing to see how the vampire tasted, but just by his blood.
Tharns eyes widen.
He had grown in curiosity to taste those lips however, this was not right, he knew type didn't want him, it was because of him being turned, the extra blood flow, this was tharn would not force of him. He needed to make the choice and not have it be because of what he was but for other reasons.
"Mmm...... Desiring me I see? Are you wanting me to bend you over my desk and...."
Type blinked rapidly to come into reality, to lean back to make a disgusted face to push himself up and away.
"Ugh....... No! Never! You are a disgusting bastard! Go to hell!"
Turning he left slamming the door.
Tharn turned to go back to work, happy his plan to make him leave worked.
To the room, type leaned himself to the door, to hang his head, two fingers to his collar.
What the hell was I thinking! God damn it! What is wrong with me! I was wanting to.....
Type gagged.
Peering his eyes up, he went to the edge of the bed to eye the food.
"I will never ever, allow my first kiss to be his or for him to take my virginity! Never! He is the enemy! I..... Need to try and find a way to get out of here and go home, rather my parents want me there or not......I..... Cant stay here anymore!"
Taking a deep breathe, he leaned forward to start consuming trying to think.
Unknown to him, he was about to get his wish, but at a cost.

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