the end is to live

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Laying to the semi small bed, the two laid to there backs, close, type kept his eyes to tharn, has he had types hand to his, to lick, nip and kiss his finger tips, one by one.
"Tharn? How are you feeling?"
He then licked types middle finger to then suck, his eyes peered themselves to type. Types body shuttered, heart fluttered.
Tharn then took his finger out, to move closer but type leaned his head back.
"Tharn..... You took to much blood, I'm a bit light headed, can't go again."
Tharns eyes darted, biting into his own wrist, he placed it in front of types mouth, he eyed it.
"Drink my half breed."
Type smirked to then place his canines in.
Tharn moaned, he then placed his head to his cheek.
"Drink quick, don't think I can control myself that much longer, I need you my husband."
Type getting his fill move his head back, tharn went to his neck to kiss.
"Mmm, tharn, we need to.... Talk..... Not just.... Make love....."
Tharn placed his hand to the other side of his neck to grip a bit to start to thrust on his leg. Type Brought his hand to his arm.
"Ah tharn...... We need to talk. Need to know what you are feeling and....."
Tharn then got on type, he grabbed his hands to place them too either side of his head to look down, there eyes darted.
"What I'm feeling is my desire for you type, need you once more. I can feel my emotions for you, they are heighten, I can also feel the electrical impulsions in my mind, type, I need you."
Tharn they lowered his head to lay his lips to his.
Type moved his mouth with his then his tongue.
Furrowing his eye brows, they needed to talk.
Parting, type lifted his head up.
"Tharn, we need to talk.... Please."
Tharns heart skipped a beat.
Types eyes widen to look to his chest, tharns eyes were to it has well.
"See that word still affects me. How about this, you talk, I'll...."
Tharn then started to grind his erection to types.
"Mmm, tharn.... How are we suppose to talk this..... Way....."
"Please type, your vampire...... Your half breed needs this, needs you."
Type gulped.
"You need..... To take another dose to become a human tharn..... You need to stop so...."
Tharn placed his head closer.
Type looked to him confused.
Tharn started to grind a bit faster, not being enough, he moved back to place his tip to his outter teasing, type couldn't help but wrap his legs about.
"Yes, no. This worked out perfectly, I know you do but desire to be a human, now, we both can be half breeds, have more time together." Tharn smiled.
Types face dropped a bit.
"Tharn.... You want to be a human, you just have to take another dose, I'll take it to, rather I want it or not."
Tharn shook his head to slowly go in.
Types body bucked.
"No type, this, is what I want. You and I will now have centuries together and we can live, now stop denying me, we have talked enough for now."
Then instantly, tharn placed his lips to type to thrust himself in. Type reciprocated that action in full.
After, type laid on top of tharn feeling his heat and heart beat, it was the sweetest sound ever. The two held there hands to eye, tharn kept an arm around.
"Tharn, you don't have to stay a half breed for me, I can take the serum, we can be humans, I know that is what you truly want."
"Type, what I truly want, is to make you happy and be with you for a very long time, to become human, that we will never get enough of, so please, let us stay this way. With this, it has its advantages."
Type smiled to nod, he then looked up.
"I love you my dear husband."
Tharn smiled.
"I love you, there is also something else I have in mind. After all your testing, making sure I am fine, I want to leave, with you, to live."
Types lips parted.
"What.... Does that mean?"
"I want to travel the world, experiencing it all, with you right by my side."
Types eyes lit up to nod.
"Would love that."
Sitting upon, type placed his lips to tharns, he couldn't help but go into another round.
After a week of testing, tharn was good to go, the two then we're outside the house, looking at the other couples.
Tami and kaketo were near the other, has was draxo and krinto, then jero and marta.
Type stayed back a bit looking at them while tharn stood before his brother.
"Take care of my home, also my glass business for one day we will return."
Draxo nodded.
"You are sure of this?"
Tharn nodded, he turned to hold a hand out for type, he smiled to go forth to hold, the two looked at the other.
"Very, it may be only a couple of thousand years, but it's fine with us."
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"Take care of each of yourselfs, and market the product to types exact specifications."
They nodded.
Type then stepped forward to look to jero.
"You take care of yourself and your siblings, I'll keep a watch and a bank account for them."
He nodded to smile.
"I'll miss you type, please come back for Christmas."
"Type nodded.
"That we will. You two take care of the other."
Marta and jerk looked to the other with smiles.
Type looked to the others.
"You all take care, kaketo, keep an eye on them, espacially since we are semi family now."
Tami furrowed his eye brows to place a arm around kaketo to pull him close.
"He is my family type, not yours."
Type and kaketo rolled there eyes.
"I will type, you go on, live, we have everything prepared and ready here."
Type nodded.
The vampires then took a step back, has they eyed the raising sun, jero and marta looked to it, tharn let go of types hand to turn to eye, a bit scared, type turned to eye.
Tharn hung his head to look to the ground, slowly the sun started to rise on him, he could feel the warmth, looking forward he took a deep breathe, to step into it, to close his eyes to smile, feeling it upon his face.
Type smiled to walk to him, to wrap his arms about.
"Don't be scared tharn, it's just a little light."
Tharn turned his head to eye type.
"That is what you are always for me."
Type then placed his lips to his, has the two stood in the sun.
Tami, rolled his eyes to then grab kaketo by the hand to take him further inside, mainly for protection. Draxo kept his eyes to them, krinto turned his head to eye.
"They'll come back draxo."
He turned his head to look to his mate.
"Mm, I know, well, since we've taken this serum, I think we should..."
Krinto smirked.
Type and tharn parted to look back, they all looked to them.
"Will see you in 7 months for Christmas, you all take care, espacially you marta, I can tell what is in your womb."
Marta lightly chuckled, jero then wrapped his arms about.
"See you then, now go you two."
They looked to the other to hold hands.
"Were going. Were to first?"
Type shrugged.
Tharn nodded to then pull.
Draxo then placed his hand to his to then watch them go, happy he was going to have more time with his brother once he came back. The two then turned to go, has did Jero and marta.
Type and tharn left, to go and be with the other to live there life's too the utmost fullest, filled with love.

The end

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