reeling from what just occurred

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To his office, tharn bursted through the doors, to place type to the table.
Draxo stood, to eye. Turning his head he saw kitko come in to go straight to the half breed.
Tharn was right next to him looking to kitko.
He made a face.
"I...... Can't hear a heart beat."
Tharn reached his arms over to pull him by the collar close to him. There eyes darted while tharn looked to him in anger.
Draxo growled while he snapped more pieces of his father.
"Shut up draxo! Kitko! Save him! Fucking save him, now!"
"Let go then."
Tharn pushed him away to look over a pale white type.
Kitko eyed him to turn to go to his serums. Coming back he filled a syringe.
"If this doesn't work, does not start his heart,  if you want him to be alive, you need to turn him."
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"He...... Doesn't want that....."
Kitko shrugged to bend to place the needle into his arm.
"Your choice tharn. Right now I need you to get a saline bag and a blood bag. If this works, he will need both."
Running he went to gather the materials, draxo snapped the last piece to go to kitko to stand by him, he looked to the half breed then to him.
"Did my...... Late father hurt you when he tried to......"
Kitko leaned up, to place the syringe to the table, to place his hands to types neck to move about.
"No...... You acted quick enough...... It's healing has we speak. Most likely the main reason why your.....'
Draxo rolled his eyes.
"Kitko........ If he was successful and ripped it all the way off, I would still be here. And you know it."
Kitko smirked to look to him.
"Mm, I know, just wanted to hear it."
Draxo smirked to have it go away when tharn came back with the saline and blood bag, he handed them to kitko to then eye type.
"I.... Still can't hear a heart beat....."
Kitko nodded.
"If we don't in the next 10 minutes, you need to turn him, if not, he'll be dead."
Tharn went closer to place his mouth to his ear, to pat his forehead.
"Type..... Please..... Don't do this...... You need to come back.....I..... Won't lose you....... Even if......I have to turn you......I will.....I know you don't want to be fully my kind but......I am not going to let you go....... So please..... Come back........"
Tharn placed his nose to his cold cheek to rub it up and down.
Kitko placed everything in, to then eye the clock.
"5 minutes tharn."
"Type...... Come back...... Please......"
Draxo eyed tharn then type.
Kitko signed.
"One minute.'
Tharn flexed his jaw to go to his ear.
" beloved......I am not going to let you go...... Please don't hate me for turning you in full......I love you....."
Bending up, he placed his wrist close to his mouth to then look to type. His body bucked up, they all then looked to him.
He lifted his head up, to grit his teeth. His heart was working in over time. Type breathed very heavily, he brought his hands up to grip the metal bars.
Tharn then placed his hand to his chest to try to set him back down, type then laid to his back to turn his head to eye tharn with venom, eyes were bright white.
"Don't you fucking touch me! You disgusting corpse! I'm going to fucking kill you!"
Tharns eyes widen, type then lunged for him.
Kitko and draxo held him back.
"Grab the sedative tharn, now!"
He looked to type, watching him try with all his might to get to him, it hurt tharn to his core. Going in a rush to the sedetitives to grab two, coming back, he placed one to his leg.
"You son of a bitch! When I'm able! I'm going to rip your fucking head off! All this is because of you! You are nothing but a fucking liar! Can't believe..... You..... Were...... Going to....... Get....."
Placing the other syringe in, type started to drift.
"Married....... You...... Are"
Type then fell limp.
Tharns eyes widen.
"That.......I can't believe my mother told type of this!"
Draxo let him go, to have kitko set him down.
"Where is she right now?"
"I place a very powerful sedetitive to her. She'll be out for the next 72 hours."
Draxos eyes widen.
"Kitko...... May mother knows all about every sedetitive and knows how to get out of there power. Where is she!?"
Kitko turned to eye.
"There room."
"You stay here!"
Draxo turned to leave.
Tharn placed his hands to the metal bar to look over type.
"I...... Should have told him....... Told him about......"
Kitko looked over tharn.
"I can understand why you didn't, he'll understand too. Give him time. Right now he needs to have fluids flow into him and plenty of rest."
Tharn brought a hand to his forehead to place upon.
"I'm..... Not leaving him."
Kitko nodded, he then turned his head to go to draxo who entered.
Draxo signed to shake his head.
"She's gone, tore there room apart, something else...... Happened....."
Tami then came in to eye them.
"We need to find her and now! She took my kaketo! Said she needed a doctor, one who could...... Make something to really hurt and kill..... All of you......"
Kitkos eyes widen.
"How did she get my brother?"
"I...... Was to the shower...... When I heard his..... Cries"
Tami turned his head.
"We need to find him and now! She lays a finger on his head, I'm going to fucking kill her!"
Kitko nodded.
"I conquer......."
Kitko turned to go to tharn.
He nodded.
"I heard..... I'm not leaving.......draxo knows her more then I, where she would take him. Go...... Find him, bring him back."
Then he looked to kitko.
"If you can, kill her."
Kitko looked him up and down.
"We are already in the worst consequence for killing your father tharn, killing your mother....... You know who your grandfather is....."
"I don't give a fuck! I want her head. Now go! The more time kaketo stays with her, the worse it'll be when you find him. I know your brother has you do, he will put up a fight."
Kitko nodded.
"Let him rest, give him food and fluids. I hope to be back soon, with my brother."
Tami then walked to them.
"There is no hope, this is what will happen now come on!"
Kitko looked to him to nod. He then went to his area to grab a bag and fill it with different things, some there mother couldn't possibly know about.
Turning he then left, with draxo and tami.
Tharn looked over type.
"I..... Know you hate me right now, but I know in that beating heart of yours..... You hold true love for me....... Just let me tell you the reason....... Let me make you understand."
Moving over the bar, he moved type a bit over to lay to his side, to grab his hand, to keep his eyes to the love of his existantance. Awaiting the chance to make everything right. 

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