this is the last time......

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Slowly opening his eyes, type awoke on the vampire, gulping, he moved his head to look up, his eyes darted. Taking a long deep breathe, he got up to go to the bathroom.
Very slowly, tharn opened his eyes to peer them to the side, to narrow, looking to the back of the bathroom door. Tonight was the last type was to his puberty phase. Tharn didn't know what to expect.
To the bathroom, type cocked his head to the side to look himself over in the mirror.
Breathing in and out, he eyed his new body.
Can..... Barely...... recognize.... Myself.....I see.... The white eyes.... Are here to stay....
Type signed, to peer his eyes down, watching himself breathe in and out.
He no longer has any fat, actually had a 6 pack.
Moving his arm up, he eyed his new color to his skin. It was pale, some what see through, could look to his blue veins.
Lowering, he moved his head forward to widen his eyes a bit, to peer them to the side.
Tharn was there, leaned to the door frame, arms wrapped, looking to type.
Pushing himself away, he went to stand behind type.
Type watched the action, to then look back to the mirror, to then look down.
"So...... Is this my....."
Tharn nodded to step closer to place his hands to either side of his body to go from his chest down his sides.
"Mmm..... It is.... All the fat you use to have....has now been absorbed, you no longer need it."
"Why.... Did my eyes....."
Tharn placed his chin to his upper shoulder to look to the mirror.
"Yourll see why when you go outside in the dark. You will be able to see better and clearer."
Type flexed his jaw. The vampire kept moving his hands up and down his sides. Type didn't feel the over sensitivity, but..... Something else, however his mind was back,  he knew he could fight against this, but for the moment he didn't.
Type kept his eyes down to look to his limp member.
"Mmm....I..... Wonder if.... I've grown..... Bigger..... Down there has well...." He mumbled.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side, to then stop moving his hands, to smirk.
Maybe...... We...... Can still.....
"We.... Can see....."
Tharn started to test by moving his hands close to the half breeds member.
In a flash, type placed his hands to his wrists to wrap, to turn his head to eye tharn.
" phase..... Over?"
Tharns eyes darted to nod.
Type then moved to toss his hands away.
"Then..... Don't fucking touch me!"
Type breathed heavily.
Tharn gritted his teeth to peer his eyes down to nod.
"I'll get dress then."
Tharn turned, types lips parted, face fell a bit.
Did I...... Just.... Make him.... Mad?
Without thinking, type stepped forward to grab tharns wrist. Tharn stopped to keep his eyes to the floor.
"Type..... Let go."
Tharn took his hand away. He needed to get out of there. His hope that the half breed would still want him was dashed.
Types eyes darted, to step towards the vampire, to place his hands to his upper shoulders, to place his mouth to his ear. Growing hard, types member, hit his butt.
Tharn turned his head.
"Type..... What are you...."
"Tharn....." He interrupted.
"I...... Was hoping..... For..... One last time."
Tharn moved his head forward.
"No. Now I need to get dressed, let go."
Type moved his head back to eye the vampire.
You've...... Never.... Denied me before..... Why is this..... Pissing me off..... Just let him go then..... But......
Type then moved his mouth to his ear once more to lick his lips.
Tharn signed.
That word......
Type leaned his head back, to watch tharn turn his to then turn his body. Being controlled a bit by his body, more then his mind, type grabbed his hand, to pull, they both didn't take the eyes off the other has type lead him to the shower.
Inside, tharn closed the door, has type took a hand back, to start the shower. He didn't know why, but he couldn't take his eyes off of the vampire, he felt, that if he did, the vampire would leave. However, type was starting to think about how the vampire acted once he said that word, "please"
Storing it, in the back of his head for now, type had the water wash through him, to step forward to place both hands to one cheek the other to his neck to look lustfully at those lips.
Tharn kept his hands to his sides to ball. This was pissing him off to no end. He didn't know what this half breed was up to or doing but tharn couldn't deny him.
Type then moved closer to breathe in deep, to kiss.
Tharn kept his eyes opened watching, opening his mouth for the half breed, he couldn't stop himself from indulging. Taking his hands up, he placed them to types back to pull him near. He couldn't help but give type his all.
Moving them about, he turned type to the wall, to press him to it, to move his hands to his waist, to lift it up, to hang his head to eye.
Type had his hands palms face down, head turned, eyeing, breathing heavily.
"Tharn....... Take me..... Please....."
Tharn gritted his teeth, to take a hand back, to cut slits into his cock to then move the blood about, taking his hand back up, he thrusted his whole length inside and hard.
Type lifted his head back to moan.
Tharn looked up, to take a hand palm down, from his waist, up his back to his hair, to grip, to pull it back a bit, his other hand wrapped itself around to stroke.
"Aaaah fuck! Too fucking incredible! Aaaah...... Give me...... Everything.....I want it...... Want it..... So fucking bad......mmm...."
Type then started to thrust his member inside his hand.
Tharn gritted his teeth.
You want this...... For our last.... I'll give you everything....... I'll..... Take you to heaven.....
After, they both came in unsion, type laid his forehead to the wall, his body shuttered has tharn took himself out. Turning, tharn washed his body, to then go out.
Type slide to the floor, to look to the door, breathing heavily.
God...... Fucking..... Damn it.....I.... Want more....... Shit.......
Getting up, he couldn't control himself.
If..... This really is the last time..... Get your fill.... Then..... No more type.....
Out, he dried, to stand in the bathroom to take a long breathe.
One more..... Time..... Then never ever again.....
Shaking his head, he ignored the sinking feeling he had to his heart to step forward to open the door to stand to the frame to eye the vampire, he was fully dressed, fixing his tie, back to type.
"You..... Can stay..... Here..... Just for tonight..... Tomorrow..... Back to business....."
Types were darted has tharn turned to offer his wrist with no expression.
Type looked to the vampires deamoner to start to fell sad and emptiness.
Gulping, type stepped to tharn to grab his wrist to sink his canines in.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side.
Looking up, he eyed tharn, this only pushed type further.
Taking his canines out, he went to stand in between tharns arms.
Tharn moved his head to look to type a bit confused and questionably.
Type had his eyes to his tie, 2 fingers were to the upper to then loosen it.
"Well..... If that is So....then..... One more last round..... You..... Didn't quite..... Take me.... To heaven....."
Type unloosened his tie to look up, his eyes darted.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"I..... Didn't?"
Type looked to his lips to shake his head.
"No..... No you didn't....."
Moving his chin up, type placed his lips to tharns, not quite understanding why he was acting this way, but also didn't give two shits. He wanted the vampire, for his last time, type was going to be selfish.
Tharn moved his hand to his waist, to move his tongue about his, getting really into there kiss. Moving them to the bed, tharn was not going to hold back, has he did a bit to the shower, tharn was testing the half breed, this act, have him hope this wouldn't really be the last time, but that's all he had, was hope, for this half breed was a very stubborn fighter, with a fire in his soul, that's what tharn loved so much and could never fully deny.

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