I..... can't stay with you anymore

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To the dungeon, type was to his side, breathing heavily looking to his shackles.
Why...... Would.... Tharn..... Do this.... Let this..... Happen..... Where is..... He.....I was a fool too.....
Peering his eyes down, he saw a vampire come in. They stayed to the door to look over type to then step forth to crouch near.
Type flinched.
"Get....... Away..... From me...... You.... Disgusting....."
Kaketo eyed the fresh wound, to part his lips, he could smell the blood that was there that clotted.
Turning his head he eyed the back of the door. Looking back he couldn't stop looking intently to the wound.
"Don't...... You..... Dare....."
Kaketo shook his head.
"I do not want your blood....... However, I can smell it..... It is quite intoxicating but....."
They gritted there teeth.
"I need to get you out of here. This shouldn't have happened. I'm very apologetic."
Type eyed his shackles to scoff.
They nodded.
"Know you probably don't believe that but it's the truth. Now I'm going to break you free and take you back to your vampire."
"What's..... The point..... He's..... Forsaken me...... That's why I'm....."
Kaketo eyed type confused to shake his head to go to the shackles.
"We don't have time for this. I know he is coming."
He then broke the shackles, before he could go to type, kaketo was in mid air, with tharns hand around his throat gripping tightly.
Tharn turned his head to eye type.
"Type..... Are you...."
Type moved his head to the ground.
"Fuck...... You......"
Tharn signed to then look back at kaketo who didn't fight. He knew he had done wrong, even if it was tamis fault. He rather be the one to be punished, not his love.
To the shower feeling something off with his lover, tami cocked his head to the side.
Turning off the shower, tami left, without seeing him to the bedroom, he knew there would be only place he would go, he dressed quickly.
To the dungeon, the doctor stepped quickly from the door frame, to type to look him over.
"He has lost a lot of blood but he will be fine. We need to place fluids into him."
Tharn squeezed kaketos neck tighter.
The doctor stood to eye.
"Kitko......I know this is your little brother, but for what he has done, he deserves death!"
Kaketos eyes widen, before tharn could do anything, tami was there, to tar them apart to stand before tharn to eye.
Kitko gathered type, placing his arm around his shoulder, to go to kaketo to tell him to get behind. He did just that.
Tami growled has did tharn.
Type lolled his head up to eye tharn.
"Tharn...... He did....... It..... That one..... This one..... Was going to..... Free me....."
Tharn straightened up to eye kaketo has he was slightly behind his brother.
Tami straightened to look back.
"Really kaketo!"
He stepped a bit to eye tami.
"I..... Needed to make this right..... Before I left you."
Tamis eyes widen.
"Excuse me! Do you really think....."
Before he could step to kaketo, tharn grabbed tamis arm to pull him back to stand before him to eye.
"Is this true...... This is your doing!"
Tami flexed his jaw.
"It was all your fault! Don't get this twisted tharn, you brought that blood into my life."
Type twitched.
Kaketo hung his head.
"Tharn.......I know I have no right to ask this of you but..... Can I..... Go with you? To live at your home? I....... Want to follow in my brothers foot steps, become a vampiric doctor."
Tami eyed kaketo.
"You...... Little bitch! You are not going to...."
Tharn then wrapped his hand around his neck, to grip, placing him mid air.
Kaketos eyes widen to take a step forward to then eye kitko. He rose his other arm to stop him, shaking his head.
"Yes..... He is. You took my half breed. I'm taking your vampire. All of you, get into the car now. We don't have time to waste here."
Tami placed his hands to tharns arm to look to kaketo has he moved forward.
"Kaketo! Don't you fucking dare! Your mine! Don't you dare fucking leave me! Tharn let go! You do not have the authority to....."
The three stopped, kaketo turned to eye tami who struggled, tharn kept his eyes to tami.
"He..... Doesn't have the authority, this is true, however I am leaving on my own accord I...... Can't do this anymore....... The law of our kind does not see us has anything thus we aren't. I'm...... Done tami...... You.... Have used me for the last time....... I'm...... Sorry...."
Kaketo turned, to follow behind his brother and type.
Tharn shirked, has tami kept kicking about, tharn was older, so tami couldn't get out of his grasp.
"Damn it kaketo! Get back here..... You can't leave me! You are nothing without me! Come....... Back!"
Tharn then threw tami to the wall, to turn his head to eye.
Tami, to his back, sitting, looked down, with his head hung.
I..... Can't believe..... He..... Actually left me..... This..... Can't be happening....
His eyes darted confused.
Tharn then turned to go to tami, who looked up, blood tears were falling.
"This is what is going to happen now. You are too stay here! Kaketo is now mine! You are too go no where near any of them! If you go anywhere near my home or my half breed, I will kill you. Understand!"
Tami made an angery face to then hang his head to nod.
Tharn looked him over.
Tharn then turned to leave, slamming the door behind him.
Tami turned his head to shake.
I..... Will never honor that...... Kaketo is mine.....has been for the last 300 years! He is no one else's but mine! He...... Will come back to me. I...... Just know he will.....
Tami gritted his teeth to furrow his eye brow, he wasent so sure that kaketo was going to come back, but tami knew he would have to do anything to make that happen. Without kaketo, he knew there was no him.
Tami turned his head to look to the back of the door, to lay the back of his head to the wall.
He..... Will come back........ He..... Just has to.....

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