over hearing something...... unsettling

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Two nights passed, by the third, type had, had enough. To the house, he eyed it to take a deep breathe in.
I'm..... Not scared of your fucking brother tharn! It's..... Been too long..... I'm also not going to be just..... Pushed away..... I'm done..... Hiding.....
Nodding, he balled his fists to then enter.
An hour earlier, tharn was to his desk, working, to then eye his phone, it was going off, before he could answer, he looked up, to eye his brother come in.
Grabbing his phone he silenced it, to stand, staying behind his desk looking to his brother who went to him to sit in types chair.
Tharn signed to sit.
"So...... Did you take enough photos?"
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"You..... Knew? Mmm..... Of course you knew...."
Draxo nodded.
"Made the sex..... Even more thrilling..... But that is not why I....."
"Mmm.....I know why you were doing that. To keep this doctor under your thumb. Recalling our past, he always followed you around, did anything and everything you asked or wanted. I can tell now, he probably fell for you. I feel bad for him."
Draxo leaned up to smile wide.
"Don't feel bad....... He has always enjoyed it. Kitko...... Please enter."
Tharn eyed draxo confused to then look to the doctor his eyes widen has he came closer, he stood to the side of draxo to hang his head.
"You..... Didn't..... Tell me you didn't feed upon him."
The doctor eyed draxo, he looked to him to nod. He signed to look to the floor.
"I..... Did...... I'm sorry...."
Draxo raised an eye brow.
"Why are you apologizing? You weren't like this in the bedroom where I've been Rav....."
The two looked to draxo to say the same.
Draxo lightly chuckled to look at tharn.
The doctor kept his eyes to the floor.
Draxo then stood, to go to the doctor, to move behind with a hand to his back, to place his head close to his ear.
The doctor couldn't help but to moan a bit. Hearing this, he widen his eyes to close, furrowing his eye brows.
Draxo smiled and wide. Tharn stood to shake his head.
"You are.... Such a piece of shit..... After everything you put me through..... You would..... And are"
Draxo lowered his hand to then move in front of the doctor to eye tharn his amusement gone from his face.
"I am not anything...... Here what is going to happen.....krinto...... Will remain here..... To be..... Protected till I can gain access to..... Different lodging, where then he will move in with me, till then he is too be to his office and room, no others will go anywhere near him."
Krintos lips parted to open his eyes to look to draxo in surprise, they never discuss this.
Tharn scoffed.
"I am not going to protect your lover. Not after everything you have ever done to me and to my half breed!"
Draxo went to the desk to sit upon, to eye tharn.
"Oh yes you will and you will delete every photo, would you like to know why?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
Krintos eyes darted confused, photos?
Draxo then leaned forward.
"I'm sure..... You haven't told your supposly half breed, you could have saved him a different way then turning him into what he despises, I'm sure you haven't told him when you did, in that first week you could have reversed the process, I'm very sure you haven't told him the real reason why he can't leave this house, for if he does and it gets out what you did and have done will have dire consequences for him, espacially if our parents find out. Just has you can smell it upon krinto here, we can not give our blood unless it is for the one we are to marry."
Draxo moved a bit closer a smirk appeared.
"I'm sure...... You haven't told him any of these things...... Also haven't told him..... It's too late for him...... He can no longer ever have a life for himself, that he is now yours, in every way. I have also smelled his blood tharn.....I have no idea..... If your feeding from him...... But I know, if he ever got out, he would become what he really hates.....a vampire, you know the others would love to keep him around for all eternity, tied up and fed upon."
Tharn gritted his teeth harder.
"You..... Son of a...."
Draxo lightly chuckled to then get up, to move to krinto, to stand to the side of him, back to tharn, looking him over. The doctor eyed him.
"You...... Are going back on your word draxo..... This is not what we....."
Draxo cocked his head to the side to bring his hand up to caress kitkos cheek, there eyes darted.
"This is what is going to happen tharn, delete those photos, take care of my beloved here, protect him and what is yours, I will continue to come any time I wish, I'll leave the half breed alone, I do not care about him, only krinto here."
Krintos lips parted to peer down.
Draxo smiled to take his thumb to his bottom lip to move about. Krinto closed his eyes to relish in his touch.
"I...... Made a promise to my......"
He signed.
Draxo looked back to a fuming tharn.
"When.......I can get away from our parents, into my own place, bring him with me, then I will honor what we discussed and our promise. You and I tharn..... Need to talk. Till next time, take care of these two. Especially the doctor, or you have no idea the hell I will bring to you and your pathetic half breed."
Tharn growled.
Krinto looked to draxo.
"That was uncalled for Dr....."
Moving his thumb away, he laid his lips to his.
Tharns eyes widen.
Parting, there eyes darted.
"You have my private number, he does anything..... You call me..... I'll be back has soon has I can."
Kitko smiled a bit to nod.
Draxo smiled looking him over to take his hand away to look to tharn, turning a bit.
"Better listen........ His life is in the balance."
Turning, he stopped to eye the half breed who turned the corner to eye breathing erratically looking to him in anger to look to tharn, brows furrowed.
The doctor looked to them then to tharn.
Tharn flexed his jaw.
"Is...... What he said..... True tharn!"
"You are a dis recepectful, half breed, you should be calling him mr....."
"Shut up draxo!"
He turned his head to eye kitko.
Tharn eyed the doctor then his brother then type.
Type gulped to move about to stand close to tharn. He eyed him softly.
"Is..... It.... True!"
Tharn hung his head, to nod.
"Type....... There is more to....."
Tharns head went to the side.
Draxo turned to eye.
Type breathed heavily, his heart sunk, to lean his head closer.
"You..... Are exactly..... Like them! I take back everything I said! I do not love you! You are nothing but a conniving, manipulative piece of shit! You are never ever allowed to touch me again, you son of a bitch! I can't believe.....I ever..... Trusted you.....gave you so many things of me and my....... I can't believe I fell for... You and... Your lies.... You decieved me for your own personal gain! You are fucking selfish! I hate you!"
Type then turned to go to the door to retreat to his room, there was no where else he could go.
Moving passed draxo, he eyed the doctor to grab type to look to him.
Type looked to him his eyes went bright white.
"Let me go you sick twisted fuck!"
Draxo growled.
"You have such a vulgar mouth, you are not treating my brother with....."
The doctor went to draxo to place a hand to his shoulder, to stop him from hitting him.
"That's..... Enough..... Let him.... Go draxo!"
Draxo rolled his eyes to let go.
Type shrugged himself away to then leave slamming the door behind.
Tharn sat keeping his head to the side.
"I..... Want the two of you..... To leave me be...... I'll...... Keep him safe and protected..... Now.... Go!"
Krinto nodded to grab draxo by the wrist to pull him out, to the side of the door, draxo spun them about, to wrap a hand to his throat looking up at him, he didn't fight, has he peered his eyes down.
"I..... Am going to stay another night..... How you.... Acted in there..... Seems you've forgotten yourself......"
Krinto smirked.
"Sounds...... Good to me."
Draxo smiled.
"Such a bad..... Naughty doctor."
Leaning his chin up, he placed his lips to his, for an rough kiss, to then pull him behind with his hand to his throat taking him to the room, to ravage him once more.
To the office, tharn had blood tears falling down his cheek.
To the room, type was to the corner, balled up, arms wrapped about his legs has he pulled them to his chest. Angry tears fell down his face.
You....... Son of a bitch.......fucking corpse.......
Type lifted his head back, to look up to hit his head a bit.
You type...... Are such a moron! How could I..... Have Ever thought he was different....... That he...... Actually..... Loved me..... For me...... They..... Are always thinking of themselves..... Always.......
Type closed his eyes to weep, he hated how his heart was still soaring for the man.
You heart..... Are the biggest idiot! How could you..... Be beating for him!
Type gritted his teeth, to lower his head to his arms to cry and hard.
He was also hating the fact his first love was this vampire, his first time was with him and not in pure love, just in selfishness and deception.
Type balled his hands, gritted his teeth.
I know why..... He did all of this..... It was all because of my blood...... It's.... The only thing these corpses care about..... The only thing..... I'm just.....a fucking blood bank to them....... Nothing more.....I...... Need to find a way..... To get out of here and away from him! Permittly!

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