in deep trouble

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Stopping outside a building marta was to the side, looking to aseril by type, she had her body turned, petting his head, eyeing his hair, type kept his head forward, rolling his eyes a bit. Yero was to the other side, watching has well to bounce, she couldn't wait to taste his blood.
"Um..... Are we.... Going to....."
Aseril smiled.
"Anxious are we? Have you've never hung out with your kind?"
Type Shook his head.
Marta turned her head to look to the floor, furrowed eye brows, her eyes started to dart, that wasent normal, there was also something familiar to his blood, that she was inhaling but couldn't really remember, it was too long ago.
Yero placed her arm to wrap around his.
"Aseril..... Please..... Let us go..... Come on, you are going to enjoy this."
Type looked to her to take a deep to nod.
They all then got out, marta stayed behind to look after them a bit worried.
There..... Is something..... About him.... About his blood..... Can't.....
Signing, she got out, to go follow from behind.
Inside, he had aseril to his side, yero to his other leading him about, marta stayed behind, head hung, arm to her other to rub, she was feeling that this was wrong.
Looking about, he gulped to make a disgusted face. It was a dark club style building, to eat side, there were red tables, where half breeds sat about, a few he passed were feeding on the other, others were having sex, he saw girl on girl, man on man and others with 3 or more.
He stopped to hand his head.
Is this..... What my.... So called kind is all about.....ugh.....I only came to see, thought they could be like me, but.... Apperently not.
Aseril looked to type, to then go about to eye, placing her arms behind.
Marta stayed behind to keep her head hung.
Yero looked him over.
"Mmm.....a bit for your first time I see..... Let's go..... To a private place..... Okay?"
Giggling, she went back to her earlier position to then lead type a bit unwillingly to the back. He didn't care where they were taking him, he just didn't want to see this.
Marta stood still to take a deep breathe then went forth, feeling a bit disgusted with herself.
To the back, aseril and yero placed him to a seat, yero sat to place her arms to the edge of the couch, to then peer her eyes to him with a deceptive smile, to place her head to her arms.
Aseril went to a table to mix a few drinks.
Marta came in, to eye her.
"Aseril...... This..... Isn't right.... Should consent to this..... What I can make.... Shouldn't be used for....."
Aseril brought her hand to her chin to tease.
"Marta, shhhh, now go take your place. Soon you and yero.....will have a taste." She whispered.
Marta made a face to then go, mimicking yeros position to his other side.
He was leaned to the couch to eye both.
Aseril rolled her eyes, to then mix. Turning she went to type, to place her legs curled a bit, to then hand him the drink. He looked down to eye.
"What.... Is this?"
"Something to relax you, your too tensed."
Aseril then placed her hands to his upper shoulders to rub.
Type took a deep breathe.
"Something, like that, stronger because of what we are. Now drink, it's okay. Trust us."
Yeros eyes lit up. Marta looked to him, then to them.
Type took a deep breathe to then consume, he didn't want to think, he knew he shouldn't be there, but what tharn lied about kept going through his head. It was hurting his heart.
Aseril smiled has he consumed it all.
After, she took the cup away, type lowered his head, eyes drifted a bit, he furrowed his eye brows softly, his mouth opened a bit, he was feeling it.
Coming back, aseril sat the same, to look over type. She then eyed his buttons, to take a hand to it, to un button.
"You know..... You never told us your name.... Bad manners..."
Yero smiled to then grab up his arm has he pressed himself to the couch, he was fading out. She turned her head to rub her bottom lip to his wrist to run it up and down. Marta eyed to grit her teeth, she wanted his blood, but this feeling, was growing, something about this half breed, was very off.
Aseril then turned her head to eye yero.
"Patience's young one, he's not gone yet, can't you see his fingers twitch?'
Yero looked to her to nod then look to marta.
Type lolled his head to look at marta.
She looked to him to gulp.
"Marta, help....... Need to seduce him before can feed. Don't you want his blood?"
Marta stood to wrap her arms around to look to aseril.
"This.... Isn't right..... Reminds me..... Of when my vampire turned me......I.... Don't like this.....I may want his blood but....."
Aseril rolled her eyes to then kneel, moving quick she reached over to slap her.
Marta turned her head to place a hand to her cheek.
"Now..... You knock that off."
Aseril settled down, to then rip his shirt open to lick his body, and to place a hand to his lower, however it wasent hard. Leaning back, she eyed it to pout.
"Mmm, sir, are you...... Gay?"
Type kept his eyes to marta, his head was filled with unknown pressure and fog.
"Mmm, tharn...... Where is..... My tharn....."
Marta's eyes widen to look to him.
"Do you mean, tharn maruko?"
Type took deep shallow breathes in, to nod.
Marta then looked to aseril.
"Did you know of this? This is not okay, we need to..."
Aseril chuckled to get up to go to the table to get something.
"Oh, marta, I knew who he was, can remember different bloods, surprised you seem not to know, since you've met him a few."
Aseril came back to turn his head to make him consume.
Yero looked to them.
"Come on.....I want to taste this sweet elixir that is flowing through him."
Martas eyes went to them all.
"You.... Are insane! This is his mate! We need to leave him be and run.... Now!"
Aseril then tossed the cup behind her to watch him make a pucker face, looking down she saw him grew.
"Seems a simple asprodisaic, will get me what I want."
"Aseril! Yero! This is not going to end well! Come on we need to go!"
Aseril moved types head, to have him look to marta once more to furrow his eye brows, he was trying to fight against this.
She went to his neck to lick, yeros eyes widen to go to his wrist to do the same.
"Oh marta, don't be that way, can't you smell his blood, don't you..... Want it..... I'm about to take a bit....."
Type looked to marta with pleading eyes.
She eyed him apologetically.
"Aseril..... That is enough, yero you two, let him....."
Aseril growled to then get up, to go to marta to place her hand around her throat to squeeze. She brought her hands up to struggle, yero turned her head to keep licking.
"Now you listen to me, this is going to happen, we take his blood, I fuck him, then kill him, so his mate never has to know, either you can be part of that or...."
She squeezed harder, marta gasped for air.
Types eyes then went pure white, he was able to get out of the fog.
He didn't like the fact that the one half breed was to be in pain since she was the only one trying to help him.
Moving quick, he moved up to throw yero to the wall, to go to aseril to place his hand to her upper shoulder to toss away, he stood before marta, who fell to her knees, hunched over to place her hand to her throat, trying to breathe.
Yero stayed by the door to eye, aseril got up to eye him.
"How..... How is this possible? Your suppose to be...."
Charging, he went to aserial to place his hand around her throat to pick her up to grip tightly. Yeros eyes widen.
She clawed at his hand.
"I'm stronger then your average half breed! Trust you! Bull shit!'
Type started to squeeze tighter. Hearing noises behind, yero turned to widen her eyes, her head then was ripped off, by one of tharns guards, going into the room, tharn saw type, moving quick, he broke the two apart.
Marta lifted her head up, to then go to a corner, hiding.
Aseril dropped to her side, hand to her throat to cough into the floor.
Tharn looked over type, smelling about, he knew his half breed had been drugged.
Type didn't look to tharn, he kept his eyes to aserial, breathing heavily, he then tried to go around tharn, he wasent having that.
Looking to tharn, he eyed him in anger.
"Move! You have no idea what they were going to do to me! And....nnn...."
Hanging his head, the asprodisaic, was kicking in.
Tharn eyed him, to then turn to look to s guard.
"Take my half breed to the car, while I sort this out."
Type then went to his knees, hunched over, half wrapped to his mid section, other to the floor, he gritted his teeth trying to figure against this.
"Fuck! I'm not.... Yours! Mmm....."
The guard then went to type, to pick him up, he fought and hard, but he was able to pick him up and place him over his shoulder.
"Shit! Let me go! Tharn..... Fuck! Let me go!"
Has they went to the door frame, type lifted his head up to see tharn move to marta, he placed his hand to the frame to grip.
"Tharn! Don't...... Touch that one..... She..... Was trying to save me! Unlike you! Don't you fucking touch  her!"
The guard moved them to take type to the car, kicking and fighting hard against this however the drugs were not helping.
Tharn watched type go to then look to marta who hide in the corner.
"Is.... What he is stating true?"
Marta slowly got up to nod.
Tharns eyes narrowed, he step to her to place his hand around her arm.
"You are coming with me."
Marta gulped, turning with her, aserial got up to eye tharn.
"Now you wait just one minute! You killed my friend and trying to take my lover! First you cancel our wedding, I found this girl, feel in love...."
Marta rolled her eyes.
"You are not in love with me...... But for what I can make."
Aseril raised an eye brow to wrap her arms around.
"You..... Little ingrate, after all I've done for you....."
Her back then strightened up.
Tharns guard came back to stand behind her, to place his hands to either side of her arms to look to him.
Tharn eyed aseril.
"You knew, our marriage was all fake, was up front with you about it, told you I was gay, that I found someone interesting, that it grew in love, what you were trying to do here, was just..... Evil."
He looked to his guard, to nod.
He then ripped her head off, to then start taking the pieces off.
Martas eyes widen.
Tharn then went to her ear.
"I find out, you are lying, this will be your fate, I do not care who your family is, I'll have you killed also. No one touches my half breed!"
Blood tears flowed has marta watched has her lover was pulled apart, she then was pulled by tharn, outside, he placed her in a car, with 4 guards, she looked to the floor dazed. He looked to them.
"Do not touch her. Make sure she stays here." They all nodded.
Tharn then went to his car, to go in, to look to type, he had his head turned, to breathe heavily, he was fighting and hard against this drug, him and tharn needed to talk, not to have sex.
Tharn looked to type, to then take a hand to his chin to pull his head to him, they looked the other over, type started to whimper.
"Always..... Fighting...... Type..... I'm sorry but......I have to take you to heaven...."
Types eyes widen.

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