figuring out what he warned me about

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To the office, the next night, through protests, type wanted to keep his mind occupied instead of being left alone, so he forced his way in, to sit with anger to do his job.
Tharn kept looking to him, to then get back to work.
Darting his eyes once more, type took a deep inhale to sign.
Tharn shook his head to look back to the papers.
"Just...... Waiting."
Type gritted his teeth to look up.
"It is not, going to happen again! Last night was...... Accidental..... Only thing I want from you that will have us be close is your blood, other then that, stay the hell away from me!"
Tharn smirked..
"Sure type naraki........ Whatever you say. Don't forget, you need to check over everything, make sure there are no....."
Tharn looked up to see type lean back to tense to then shake closing his eyes with his head hung.
He quivered to grit his teeth.
Type was feeling his body change rather then wanting the vampire, he felt it to his stomach. He then hunched over a bit, to turn his head to wince.
Tharn leaned away to eye.
"Your body is going through the transformation phase within your puberty, it will hurt, try to breathe. It is trying to get rid of anything that is not useful, which is the fat."
Type quivered to then break the pen in half, to Ball his hand into a fist.
Tharn peered his eyes to it, to see ink splatter everywhere.
Getting up, he went to type, to rub his shoulders and deep, to keep his eyes down.
"Breathe type...... Long deep ones..... Try not to tense, it'll make it worse."
Type leaned his body back to do what the vampire said. This was starting to hurt.
Breathing in deep, he gulped to un tense and un clenched, to slowly open his eyes.
"Mmm......a.... Bit....."
Feeling a bit of sensitivity, type shrugged his shoulders to move forward.
"Don't..... Touch me!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to then sit down.
Type gulped to clean the pen mess, to then throw it to the trash to the side to then gather another pen.
Has he worked he cracked his neck.
Damn it..... Why did you.... Have to touch me....I was just fine......
Looking up, tharn saw type stand with his head hung.
"I'm..... Sure you can finish the rest....I um...."
Need to leave before I....... Get hard or want you......
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"What..... Are you..... Starting to get to your heightened period? Was yesterday night not en....."
Type balled his hands into fists on the desk.
"Shut up!"
Type turned to then leave slamming the door in his new found anger.
Tharn leaned back to eye the door. This..... Isn't going to be pretty my half breed...... This is something you can not fight against..... I'll..... Just stay away for you to finally grasp what I'm telling you......
Tharn flexed his hand to then get back to work.
To the room, type was before the window to punch, he knew he couldn't break it, but he needed to distract himself. Stepping back, he looked to his fist to see the blood they quickly healed and went away.
Signing, he lowered his hand to look out the window to the beach.
One day.....I want to go out there to.....
Hanging his head he quivered.
Mmm..... Damn it......
Looking up, he eyed his hand, that was too the window, feeling the cold hard glass reminded him off the vampire.
Type couldn't help but think of the night before, his head then was filled with moans and noises, both from him and the vampire.
Turning and quick, he went to the shower, to take all his clothes off to wince, feeling the clothes come off his over sensitive body, it turned him on.
Groaning, he threw them to the floor to hop in the cold icy shower to quiver but it didn't help, he let the water rush through hits body, to keep his head hung, to look with dis satisfaction at his erection they started to twitch.
Fuck! I..... Am stronger then this..... Don't..... Think of him...... Don't think of..... When you two...... Don't touch it..... Just try not to think!
Type lifted his head to look to the ceiling, to breathe heavily.
Don't..... Think...... Don't.... Think....... Don't.....mmm.....
Type then fell to his knees to hang his head, palm to the floor, to Ball it into a fist, to quiver in un speakable pain.
What the...... Fuck.......
Turning his head to the side he breathed in deep. That wasn't working.
"Damn it......."
Going to a sitting position, to the wall, he bend his knees to his body to lift his head up, to place his hands to his member.
"Fine....... I'll...... If that will make the pain stop!"
Type started to moan has the pain lessened but didn't go all the way away, has he started to stroke his member. He didn't know how much time had passed but it seemed long, no matter what he did, he couldn't cum.
Getting frustrated, he took he's hands off, to shake his head.
What the fuck is going on! Why can't I.....
Is this..... What the vampire was warning me about last night...... Is this what I couldn't fight against..... The pain and the en ability to.....
Type signed to wince. The pain was started to come back.
For the love of....
Closing his eyes, he moved his head forward to take deep breathes, to then get wobbly up.
He turned the shower off, with his eyes closed, to wrap a hand to his stomach to get out, feeling for a towel he dried himself, to wrap it about.
Going to the sink, he placed his hands to the edge, to grip, head hung, eyes still closed.
Fuck! I...... My mind..... Is..... Starting to.... Go again...... My body.... It's..... Starting to...... Over take my......
Tensing, he gripped the sink harder until it started to crumble.
Tharn was to the other side of the door to knock.
"Type.......I know...... You probably do not wish to see me..... However...... It's been 4 hours...... We need to....."
Tharn moved back to look to type confused with his deamnor has he opened the door. He opened it wide, eyes closed to breath heavily, arms to either side, what tharn didn't know, was his nails were embedding themselves into the wall.
"Type....... What is....... Are you...... Experiencing more.... Pain?"
Hearing the vampires genuine concern, type couldn't hold back anymore, it was a losing battle anyhow.
Opening his eyes, they were piercing bright white, slowly he moved his nails down to scratch the wall, to then step to the vampire, to place either hand to his face.
Tharn leaned his head back a bit, to wrap his hand around types wrists.
There eyes darted.
"Type...... What do you think....."
Type then placed his mouth to his, to instantly put his tongue in his mouth to swirl it about.
Taking his hands down, he placed them to his chest to push him back, till they got to the edge, type then pushed him down to flop.
Tharn looked to the half breed with an eye brow raised.
"Thought..... Not again..... Thought..... You could control yourself.....I thought.... You wouldn't ask....."
Type darkly chuckled, he was not himself in that moment, his body and the phase was controlling him, all rationally went out the window.
Type took his hands to his towel to remove it to then get on tharn to place his hand to his chest, the other wrapped itself around his throat to peer his eyes down.
Types eyes darted.
"I'm not asking! I'm taking!"
Tharns eyes widen a bit for type to place his lips to his, to then take his hands to the top of his pants, to unbutton to unzip to then go into the vampires pants to whip out his member to start to stroke.
I..... Will not ask Anymore vampire! You will give me what I want! You did this! Take fucking responsibility and fed my appetite for a change!

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