Chapter 5

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"Welcome to the Snake Pit"

~Alana's POV~

As a 3rd year I'm quite the average height but with heels on I stood up a lot taller than the first years making me stand out even more.
"Before you take your seats you'll  be sorted into your houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed then leaving into the hall to check the situation. I didn't realize that the first years were all staring at me some even took a step back leaving lots of space for me. I turned and said "I don't know and am not interested in what you guys think of me... But can you all not say things about me that aren't true or overheat about my family's past? Please..."

"We're ready for you..." said McGonagall as all of us follow her into the great hall doors. We rushed in as the great big doors open.

Eyes, again. I guess I should be getting used to this being center of attention. I don't like it though. I don't know whether these eyes are looking at me as they know who I am or whether they're just annoyed at my outfit, lowkey making all those girls into 3s out of ten.

As we walked towards the front where there was a chair and the legendary sorting hat one by one the names of first year are mentioned. "Gryffindor" "Ravenclaw" "Gryffindor" "Slytherin" and so on. Until it's just me. What a better way to make me less of the 'centerpiece'.

"For third years! You have all been join with a new I would say transfer student! Please help and welcome her, Alana Grindelwald!"
There he stood... Granky's best friend. Albus Dumbledore... I don't know what feeling I felt. Angry? Sad? Pity? Or pure joy that I got to meet the man that was so dearly to grandfather's heart and also the man that nearly killed him and banned us all. Dumbledore sat up right slight shock in his face as he heard my last name, I guess he had heard about my existence. I heard gasps everywhere, whispers and voice of confusion around the hall.

"SILENCE!" Shouted the headmaster. He then look at me and smiled. I mouthed 'Thank you' and walked towards the sorting hat then sat facing the crowd.

Ouhhh for the love of Merlin, a Grindelwald? This is the first... An Emrys as well, descent of Merlin...

The whole room gasped even more with eyes bigger than anything. I saw the boy who fainted asking questions to his friends who were in the cabin with him, guess he's a Gryffindor. The blondee seems to be a Slytherin.

There's no doubt that you'll do great things, hmmm you're a hard working girl, intelligence no doubt about that, creative I would say so....

But you're cunning, very I would say... full of ambitions too...

Better be...


The Slytherin table cheered, clapped and some even whistled. I saw the 'blondee' called for me to sit with him with some hand gestures. I found myself walking towards him and his friends as the table still cheering. The blondee shoved the boy beside him to make space for me. I smiled and sat there.

"Hi chicken! Guess you'll be seeing me a lot." I said teasingly.
"Ouhhh c'mon who wouldn't be scared for those ugly dirty creatures!" He answered with pride.
"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!" He said reaching his hand for a shake. I took his hand and replied "Grindelwald, Alana Grindelwald!" Malfoy made a disbelieve face as I let go of his hand. "I can't believe Grindelwald has a daughter in such an old age... No Not that it's wrong!" He stuttered trying not to offend me. "No, Gellert Grindelwald is my grandfather." I answered. "Wait what so Grindelwald has a son?" He asked in shocked. "Enough questions now Malfoy! The point is my grandfather is Gellert Grindelwald and I'm still the descendant of Merlin." I said giggling.
"Fine! By the way this is Crabbe and Goyle. And that's Blaise Zabini." He said pointing at his friends.
"Hey, I remember you! You're the one who 'catcalled' me in Gringotts the other day?"
"What?!" Said Malfoy, weirdly sounded furious.
"I'm so sorry! If I knew who you are I wouldn't...

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