Chapter 6

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~Alana's POV~

As we enter the common room I saw some house elf still picking up some new furnitures in and out of the common room. "Welcome to the Slytherin common room! The girls dormitories is left there by the stairs and boys to the right....
"As for the names called for the new dormitories is right here... follow my lead. Thank you dear prefects. Slytherin follow me." Pippin cut the prefects and most of us followed Pippin. Granky's worker and house elf had done the rooms and everything while we had the feast.
"Hey! This is not fair!" The boy prefect held my hand as the other walk up the stairs. "I didn't ask for this! And if you treat me the way at least decently maybe I could talk to my grandfather to also upgrade your room!" I said as I twist my hands off his then walk away.

As we climbed up the stairs we found green and silver gate-like door that lead us into our dormitories. "Girls to the left and boys to the right and your things are already brought up there."
"Yo! Thanks a lot Grindelwald!" Exclaimed Marcus Flint. "Bloody hell this is amazing!" I heard Goyle screamed from his room.
"Alana, Thankyou really...and remember what I said? I mean it! Don't you worry..." malfoy assured giving me a side hug. "Yup, Good night Chicken!" I shouted as he was going to find his room. "Hahaha funny!" He exclaimed sarcastically. "C'mon your room's the best!" Pippin pulled my hand to the left side. As we passed the opened doors of Daphne's and pansy's room I saw both started decorating their rooms separately. That put a smile on my face knowing that I at least have made my new friends happy even though meaning that on my first day I've already made 90% of the school into my enemies.

Pippin opened the door to my dormitory and I gasped in awe as I observed the details in the room. I can't believe the house elf's did this in 2 and half hour. I love magic! "Ouhhh and don't let anyone come in here and find out that you have a walk in closet!" Pippin said giggling as she led me into a small door on left side of the room. "Now right here is the bathroom, your granky tried putting in a bathtub but the length of the...
"Pippin a shower is fine! And does the other have this?"
"Yeah! But you have slightly more room... and here it is!" She opened the curtains and my mini walk in closet filled with not just my uniform and the things I've packed. Granky has sent some of the things I didn't pack like some dresses, more skirts, even some purses and jewelry. I sat on the sofa in the middle of my closet and tried to take everything in. I breath out a loud sigh. "Ohhh no! Do you not like it?! We could just re-do everything and maybe add...

"Pippin it's fine! It's just I've only been here for what 20 hours and so much has happened a prisoner escaped so we have dementors around, ive made some friends but with all this that granky did, which I'm absolutely grateful for, I've also made some enemies already. And people are just so scared of me, it's so weird." I sighed with exhaustion.
"Then you embrace it! They hate you, why care?! You're Alana Isaly Marvela Grindelwald, do I need to repeat that! Why does it matter?! Power, Class, Luxury runs through your vein! Now start acting like it you mischievous lil spoiled brat!" Pippin said as she fixed my posture while sitting. I then stood up to hug her. "Ouhhh I really miss you! And I miss granky so much too!" I cried. "Ouhhh Lana it's only been hours... Don't worry about granky uncle Krafft, me and so much more people are looking after him!" She said tightening our hug. "I have to leave now, you go clean up and maybe start writing for your granky." She said before I gave her the last hug for now.

I took a very long shower while I processed everything that just happened and I realized how week I am for the real world

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I took a very long shower while I processed everything that just happened and I realized how week I am for the real world. Moments without Granky. All this time I've felt so great and powerful in the muggle world. But as I hang around people like me. I felt so different. I changed to my silk rose-gold champagne pjs and robes, and brush led my straight long darkest brown hair.
Then I  tried to write to granky.... Nothing! Nothing came to my mind as if my mind felt stuck in the moments.

"I can't deal with this!" I spat as I tip-toed out of my room. I passed Daphne's opened door I saw her fast asleep after she decorated her room with fake flowers all around. I walked down to the common room. Thank Merlin that everyone seems to be fast asleep. I sat down near the fire place facing the big glass window, through there it was not so clear water of the black lake. I just sat there watching fishes and other creatures sometimes pass as I try to wrap my head around things. I took a news paper that we laying around on the coffee table and at least try to catch up with the Wizarding news.

"Why can't you just listen to me!" Said a familiar voice that started me making me pull out my wand pointing it up towards his chin.
"Malfoy! Don't do that to me! I could've hex you on the spot!" I said hitting him lightly.
"Ouhhh feisty! Honestly if you're still worried about others being jealous on what your grandfather gave us, you're an idiot! I told you we'll protect you." He explained as he sat across me.
"Malfoy, Why was Sirius Black in Azkaban?"
"He was known to be a death eater, he was the one that made Pottah's mum and dad killed." He answered.

Yes I know who Voldemort was. A week before I moved here granky had explained everything to me. How Voldemort was just like him but it was different as to He enjoyed and find killing and torture amusing. Whereas granky he would do so only if Necessary. Voldemort spare no remorse, Granky told me how he killed the Potter family but the kid Harry survived the killing curse because of his mum's love which rebounded the curse to Voldemort. Granky had a great goal on improving the wizarding world and I order to do so we much show ourselves to the muggle world. But Voldemort was just in thirst of power for himself. I would never let anyone live if they ever mention that granky is just as same as Voldemort.

"This is ridiculous, I mean c'mon Potter was like what months old. Why use the killing curse when he could just literally throw him out the window?! Like the lightest thing that could happen is forever paralyzed or severe brain damage. Or..." I slid my thumb across my neck mimicking someone who got killed.
"You really are Grindelwald's granddaughter huh? You're so vicious!" He said giggling.
"Well I'm just saying! I didn't imply that I would ever do it!" I replied breaking into a laugh.
"Although I guess it's great that Potter survived I feel like he's sorta overrated don't you think? I mean really 'The boy who lived' I mean I'm  living, you are too! It's pretty barbaric that they would see him like  a Lord. He was not the hero that night it was his mum. And yet no one mentions about her as much as 'The boy who lived'." I explained as I read through the daily prophet from years ago about Potter's family unfortunate death.
"You wouldn't want though getting caught up with Potter and his stupid elfs!" He said with a sneer.
"Then who should I hang around with Malfoy?" I asked leaning forward acting to be completely filled with enthusiasm.
"Me! Us your family of course! But mostly me!
Avoid the Gryffindorks they probably hate you... Ravenclaws are fine but they're so bossy they can't really take jokes and pranks, super serious. Huffys are just lame really!" He explained.
"I'm not sure if I trust your judgment..." I said giggling.
"Just don't get involved with Potter, okey?  He's seems so great but he's not, year 1 he retrieved the sorcerer's stone, last year he apparently opened the chamber of Secrets and killed the basilisks. He's so proud about it too! Your grandfather would hate his big cocky scared head" he said looking down fidgeting his hands.
"Malfoy... I'm not quite interested in whatever he did really, so you chill out, you're getting too emotional. It's understandable but unnecessary."
Honestly no I didn't understand why he's so emotional about it...
"You're really..... complexly smart?" He said playing with a fire match.
"The most vicious thing you could do to someone is to not give a damn! Good night." I said as I walked back to my room leaving him alone in the common room.

I know for a fact that his judgments are seriously poor. But I agree that sticking with a selective few is the best choice especially for people with complicated backgrounds like I am. I feel safer in a way around Malfoy and the other Slytherins. Maybe I am going to embrace granky's past, Maybe I'm not gonna worry anymore for loads are gonna think that I'm dangerous, Maybe I am?
I took a piece of parchment and a quill and finally I was really motivated to write to my mentor, teacher, idol, my grandfather.

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