Chapter 15

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"Killing Curse"

"Kill me then, kill me for all you want, cause you see without you I'm already dead..."

~Alana's POV~

"Morning dim wit!"

"You've been doing quite well avoiding us!" Said the twins who were literally 20 more centimetres taller than me. They greeted me with a big warm hug as I entered the great hall for breakfast.

"Lana, hey! Wanna go to library together with me after DADA class?" Mione asked.

"Uhhh... yeah sure I... I have a free period too..." I replied with a smile on my face avoiding any of their eyes but even with tiniest makeup couldn't hide it.

"Hmmm I know what to do!" Fred said sprinting out and running back with a radio and inserted a track and George...

Sonorous! He cast the spell pointing his wand towards the radio making it louder.

"OUHHHH I WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY!!!" Fred sang twirling me around.

40% of the room stood and start grooving together with the twins. Hermione and I just stood leaning toward the great entrance watching everyone have fun but the Slytherin table. Bet it's the "Mudblood Music is trash policy"  I looked over to their table and the look of confusion and disgust in their face just cracks me up!

"What sad clueless souls!" Mione whispered to me pointing at Draco and the whole crew.

"C'mon Lana, they played this for you so you could forget that git Malfoy!" Ginny said pulling me to the pool of people dancing. I pulled Mione with me and now some of the Beauxbatons girls were joining us.




We were jumping and dancing around totally forgetting about breakfast and our first class. Harry came to me showing me his terrible moves and that made my day so much.

"Ronald Weasley stop whatever you're doing! That's terrible!!!" Mione shouted as we danced.

"What?! I know a shimmy or two!" Ronald said making his moves stiffer than ever.

"And you were laughing at me! Just take a look at Ron!" Harry said to me as he twirled me. I had a blast. I looked over at the Slytherin table and let's just say Malfoy was just furious.

"QUIETUS! C'mon now! We'll be late for class!"
Hermione shouted.

"Ahhhhh! C'mon now Granger!" Shouted the Hufflepuff senior, I believed his name is Cedric.

"C'mon now we'll be late for class!" I said as I walk towards the door

all of us stop catching our breath and ate tiny bits of toast as we didn't eat at all. Mione, Harry, Ron, and I, yes! The big 3 the people I'm supposed to avoid the most! Walked out of the great hall together when Crabbe, Goyle and Pans came catching up with us as we have the same charms class. Crabbe was about to walk ahead of me and the Gs(Gryffindors) As he bumped into me making my bag full of books and the toast in my hand fall.

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