Chapter 7

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~Alana's POV~

"This is just!ahhhhh..." I sighed. I can't believe the things I should be wearing here.
"What is this skirt?!" I said as I strolled back into my closet and find myself my Chanel plain black skirt with its lightly beaded logo as the belt. As I went out of my room with my books I head straight to the hall to have breakfast, and you guessed it, people were staring at me like crazy. But who cares, I gave some glares back to people who looked at me almost disgusted. Jealous on how I'm so smart at making them into 0s from 10. I kept my chin high and my posture right.
"What you bloody looking at!!" I heard Goyle shout from the back running and pushing a Huffy into the wall. Then I felt an arm rested on my shoulders. The boy was this time taller than me for I was wearing flats. It was Malfoy, with Crabbe beside him. I smiled as our eyes met.
"Now now Goyle, don't waste your time on that irrelevant git!" I teased.
"Ouhhh that's my feisty girl!" Malfoy teased back squeezing me.

During breakfast it was time for Owl mail to arrive. Stormy my pitch black owl with frosty blue eye was carrying awfully lot. He then dropped it in front of me, 3 packages and 2 letters. I opened the letter it was from granky...

Dear my pumpkin,

My luv, I'm so excited for you! I've read the letter you sent last night and I read it as soon as I got it. Yes pumpkin I knew the kids there are going to be harsh on you but I know that you are harsher! Don't let their opinions influence your image. You influence their opinions instead. Uncle Krafft mentioned that you were a lil bit off about the new dormitories I insisted. I understand that it may sound really prejudiced for others and yeah I could re-do the whole castle, but what I did is just a sign of gratitude for the families that has become our friends and affiliate. It also has enchantment where no one could enter the room for there is passwords that the owner will set. He also mentioned about the young Malfoy who accompanied you on your first day and some of your closer friends Greengrass and Parkinson. I truly appreciate what they're doing and I've also sent you 3 packages, gifts for them. I would advise you to stay close to them instead for I trust their families. Especially Malfoy, his parents had visited our manor and accompanied me for my meals for you are not around it's so quiet in here. And pumpkin if you would please keep a distance from the Potter boy, Lucius Malfoy and the daily prophet mentioned that he gets into a lot of unnecessary problems and combat. Remember this okey?

I love you pumpkin! Do great! And I'm so proud of my lil Slytherin angel! Your mum was a Slytherin too...


"Malfoy, here! From granky." I said as I passed box next to me as he was sitting right next to me.
"Pans and Daphs, here you go!" I said passing the gifts to them across me.
"Ouhhhh A Dior Perfume! I have no much knowledge on muggle brands but I accompanied mum once to this store in muggle world but it was Clas-sy! Thanks Alana!" He shouted giving me another side hug.
"What a cute bracelet, Chanel!"
"Lana Thankyou!!!" Said pans and Daph and I winked at them.
"Hey this is from mum, for you..." Malfoy whispered handing me a letter with a white chocolate bar tied to it.
"Ahhh white chocolate Thankyou! My fave!" I exclaimed excitingly and squeezed his hand.

"Divination! This is Preposterous! Said Zabini as he sat behind me with Malfoy.
"I think it's rather fascinating don't you think Daphs?" I asked to my seat mate.
"Ee-ehm! Not with her.. she's literally an embarrassment to Seer wizards and witches!" She said shaking her annoyed. Granky was a seer when he still could do magic. For now I don't know whether he's capable on doing so... he doesn't really talk about it. Only 5 minutes into the class and I was in awe...

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