Chapter 8

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~Alana's POV~

"I swear if it wasn't for Pottah, I would've seen all of your fears!" Said Draco as he spit out the window. Draco, Daphne, pans, Crabbe, Goyle, Zabini and I or I would say the 'squad' were all on our way back to the dungeon.
"Ouch Parkinson! Keep your distant will you!" Draco spat as Pans bumped over his shoulder while we walked together.
"Sorry Draco..." she replied taking a step back.
I took a step further away from Malfoy as well as he said to keep our distance.

"Not you..." he said as he gripped my arms. "You all go ahead I have to talk to Lana!" He commanded the rest to go.
"What's up! And really why are you still wearing that thing it's been weeks!" I said as I tighten and brush off the dust of his cast.
"What you looking at Pottah! Piss off Weaselbee!" Draco spat. I looked back and find Potter watching me and Draco sadly.
"Chill out Draco c'mon let me clean your wounds and check if it's okey for you to take this thing off." I pulled him down the stairs into the dungeon.
"Should I clean it in your room? It's really packed and dirty here..." I said as I looked around the crowded common room.
"No dont, it's super messy!" He answered quickly almost startled like.
"It's fine, c'mon now!"
"Ahhh I've warned you..."

"Blimey! Draco Lucius Malfoy... did someone died in here?" I gasped in shock as I enter his wrecked room.
"Told ya..."
"Well at least we have space and it's not as dusty as downstairs." I said as I lead him over to sit on his bed.

I took a bowl of warm water and a cloth and start opening his wounds. I sat beside him, slowly cleaning his almost perfectly dried wounds. Then I realized something. I was too afraid to ask him but I looked up making our eyes met. His soft grey eyes and fierce light blue eyes of mine. He gulped as he knew exactly what I had saw. He stayed quiet, then I continued cleaning.

"Done... I'm gonna throw this for its dirty and the more you wear it the longer your scratch will dry." I said as I walked to his bin to throw it. In the muggle world people would call it OCD, I don't really know what it stands for, but I can't see any mess! Especially if it's a closet. Impulsively I started picking up some of the candy wrappers on the floor and throw them away, picked up his dirty clothes from under the bed put them all in a basket and other things. I cast a spell that made the dust on his room to be collected and into the bin. He didn't say a word, I guess he felt weird that I've found out about it. I was folding the nice and clean robes and uniform in his closet then Draco decided to end the silence.

"Do you have any sibling?" He asked.

"Nope, it's just me and granky. No mum, No dad, No siblings."

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean too...

"It's fine draco, I'm not offended. I'm just sad that you did that to yourself..." I said as I walked toward where he sat and start making his bed.
"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, I guess it's fine to feel overwhelmed, over pressured, lonely, and sad but there are other ways to process it." I said as I pat his back.
"And I'm not asking you to explain anything or pressure you to open up to me. I just wonder about 1 thing..." I sighed.
"What is it?" He replied.

"Will a hug make you feel better?" I asked as I stretched my arms wide and smiling.
Draco stood up fast and wrapped me around his big arms. My head was practically on his chest perfectly under his chest. He wrapped his arms around my neck and body and I wrapped mine around his torso. He hugged me so tight that I can feel that he was overwhelmed about some things.
"You know.... I haven't been doing it for quite some time..." he said as I pulled away from him so I could see his face but my arms still around him.
"That's good... for how long?" I smiled.
He leaned over to my face and whispered in my ears
"Since the day I met you, I find no reason for me to harm myself... Thank you Alana Grindelwald." He kissed my cheeks and pulled me into another tight hug.
"I simply did nothing, I'm proud of you Draco!"
I said as I hugged him even tighter. After sometime we let go of each other and I took my bag and left his now clean and neat room. I walked back to my dorm then I heard someone called me...

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