Would You...

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Christmas Eve, it's 11:37pm and I cannot sleep. Why? Who knows? I'm currently just playing Monster Hunter, hoping it helps me fall asleep. Probably not the most logical but I need something that doesnt require a lot of brain power. The focus turned to the door as I heard a small knock. "I know you see the light Ria, kukuku," I laughed. I heard a small groan and the door opened and quickly closed. I still didnt look from the screen as I felt the end of bed drop , Ria taking a seat. She was quiet, too quiet for her. I switched the console off, placing it beside me so I could take a look at her face. Even in the dark I could see the raw skin under her eyes from where she had clearly been crying. "Missing him hard?"

She nodded before falling down, lying so her head was beside my lap. She looked up at me, scooting closer to me as I got myself comfortable against the headboard. "I keep thinking about how I would hear ny dad sneaking downstairs by now," She muttered into the bed cover. "You know, my mother even liked christmas sometimes, before she lost the plot."

I know this isnt appropriate but I let out a small laugh at the comment about her mother. "Christmas can be a hard time on people," I stated. "Just think, your dad would want you to be happy at this time."

I felt her cuddle up to my thigh a bit more, my face starting to heat up. "Would you," she started sounding embarrassed. "Would you mind if I stayed here for a while?"

I shock my head. "Though be aware I'm just going to play Monster Hunter."

She nodded and watched me as I got my console and turning it on to resume my game. After a while, I could here soft snoring coming for Ria. Ah crap. I'm not able to carry her back to her room. In the corner of my eye I noticed the time. 00:00. "Merry Christmas Ria." 


Morning came, I turned around and Ria was gone. No doubt about it she realised what she had done and rushed out of the room. I sat up, still a bit out of it until I could here a small commotion downstairs.

I smiled, throwing the covers off me and hurrying downstairs, the tree lit up, a Christmas movie on in the background and Ria and Lillian sat on the floor staring in awe at the gifts under the tree. I think my old man went a bit overboard. Ria turned, looking up at me with flushed cheeks. She quickly turned back around, grabbing a small wrapped present. She got up, standing in front of me holding the present out to me. "H-Happy Christmas," she stuttered. I smiled taking the present. I must admit, ten billion points for presentation. I carefully unwrapped it, seeing a new electronics tool kit. "I noticed your other one had started to wear out. You don't care much for sentimental things so the logically thing was to get you something useful."

I smiled, going to the tree myself, Lillian watching us intensely as I handed Ria her present. With shakey hands Ria took the present, wrapped carefully by Yururiha, and started to open it. As the gift underneath was exposed I saw her eyes started to water.

Lillian had a soft smile as she looked over Ria's shoulder. She pulled Ria's brown hair back, showing h er ears and taking the gift carefully placing them on Ria's ears. "They are beautiful earrings, Senku," Lillian commented.

I thought long about what to get her and I thought Ria would appreciate a new pair of earrings. Star shaped patterns that were silver. "Thank you, Senku."


Morning went and by the afternoon, Ria and I were off out to get the area by the lake ready for my old man's proposal. He keeps panicking thinking Lillian will turn him down, then I have not a millimetre of doubt she would do that. I guess this will make Lillian my step-mother. "Senku, Ria!" We looked ahead, Taiju and Yuzuriha waving us over.

Immediately Yuzuriha commented on Ria's earrings and Taiju started to show off the handmade scarf Yuzuriha made just for him. "So we better get this area set up hadn't we?" Yuzuriha stated holding up the picnic basket.

Nodding, we got to work, setting up the perfect romantic spot. My old man somehow convinced us to do this in exchange for a bigger budget for some materials I've been after. I set up the area using the lamps I designed as my old man's instructions, while Yuzuriha set up the drinks and Ria and Taiju set up the table and warm drinks ready for their arrival. "I'd say we did a pretty good job," Yuzuriha praised giving me a high five. She gasped, ushering us to the side as she spotted my old man and Lillian approaching.

We rushed off, close enough to hear but far enough to give them space. Lillian awed, taking the set my old man pulled out for her. He fixed his tie, before getting in front of her. This is it. The moment he's planned for, for weeks. "Lillian, I just want to start by saying since we went up to the sky together, I've learnt a lot about myself and what I want in life and well," he reached into his pocket, a large smile plastering his face as he got to one knee. Lillian had finally realised what he was up to, she covered her mouth with both hands, trying to hold.back tears. "I want you Lillian. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

I heard sniffles beside me, seeing Yuzuriha and Ria holding onto each other, crying are the scene. To the other side of me, Taiju already blubbering like a baby.

"Oh yes I will," lillian cried leaping into my old man's arms.

We all started to applaud as my old man placed the ring on Lillian's finger. This was a moment even I couldnt predict this time last year.

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