3. ~ In the Lost Cities ~

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Keefe's point of view:

I look over to see Foster playing with the fallen panakes blossoms.
She had called a 'get together' today at Havenfield after school, though we all knew that it wasn't just a 'get together'.
Usually it ended up just being a list of "How not to die, 1000.0" or "Ways to ambush the Neverseen once and for all", even though we all know it's not that simple.
And sometimes it just ends up being a baby alicorn session with Wynn and Luna.
I yawn again as we all settle down underneath Calla's panakes tree.
"It seems like you've been really tired lately," Foster remarks as she plucks one of the blossoms off the grass
"Thanks for stating the obvious," I tell her.
She rolls her eyes, "Hey I'm really tired as well—"
"But isn't Foster always tired?" I interrupt with a sigh.
Everyone seems to nod there heads.
Oh and by everyone, to be more specific, nine of us were here for this meeting. Me (Lord Hunkyhair), Lady Foss-Boss, Fitzypoo, Banish the Vanisher (really. Her vanishing was getting really annoying), Dexonator, Bangs Boy, Shower Power, Flashie, and Flame Fame.

Okay now without the nicknames......

Me, Foster, Fitz, Biana, Dex, Bangs Boy, Linh, Wylie, and Marella.

And I always call Foster Foster and Bangs Boy Bangs Boy If you're wondering.

"Why are you guys so tired?" Biana asks as she plops down beside Foster.
"Bad dreams," Foster says at the same time I say, "Nightmares."
Everyone looks at us.
Then Fitz speaks up, "Uh... I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but... I've been having weird dreams as well."
"Like what?" Foster asks
Fitz snuffles a laugh, "Hmm... well one was a little weird.... I was at Shores of Solace—-"
"Okay stop," I say, putting my hand up, "Go on any father and I'll get Ro to dump some bacteria buddies on you," I tell him, gesturing begins me where all the bodyguards were probably having their own little meeting.
Fitz sighs, "Even though it's about your home doesn't mean it's bad."
"Uh..." I say, "First off, it's not my home. It's Lord Careless's home. And second, if it involves anything with me, or my "family"— I make sure to put that in quotes — "then it's probably not the best news."
Fitz just shakes his head and beckons for Wynn to come over to him.
"So what were your dreams about Sophie?" Dex then asks to break the silence.
Foster shudders a bit and then says, "Well....."
Then her feelings get all afraid.
"You don't have to tell if you don't want to," Linh tells her softly.
"No," Foster says, "I should."
Then she takes a deep breath.
"First off... this wasn't like any of my other dreams I've have before. It was... much more realistic. And it wasn't about any of... Well you guys or the Neverseen.... it was... well...."
She struggled to find the words, but then eventually just shook it off and continued.
"Anyways, I was standing outside. Like... I don't know where but I was standing outside that's for sure... and... well then there was a strike of... lightning."
We all stop and stare at her.
"Isn't that...." Fitz says slowly, "A human thing?"
Foster sighs, "Yes. Yes it is. And in fact I don't think I've seen lightning since... since when you found me! And then all of the sudden...."
"Is lightning scary?" I ask curiously.
"No," Foster says, "Well... to little kids maybe. It's loud and bright. But... something about that strike if lightning was... different."
She stops there.
"Echos?" Bangs Boy then asks.
A little while ago Fitz and Foster had suffered through a *ahem* little battle with the Neverseen, concluding in shadows aka "echos" in there blood.
They both claimed that it was gone now, but you never know.
"No," Foster finally replies to him, "Like I said, it's different. It's... a different feeling."
"What does it feel like?" Marella asks, twirling her braid as she laid on her stomach on the grass.
Foster hugged her knees, "Well... it's... unfamiliar. Blank. But also powerful. And... and... I don't know."
We all nod at her like it makes perfect sense.
"Is it worth investigating?" Dex asks next, "Do you think—"
"Well I think..." Foster interrupts, "That is was probably just a random human memory from my childhood that I don't remember.... because you know. I guess memories can be powerful, and well, I said it felt blank as well so...."
"Yeah, I guess," Dex says back, shrugging.
"And it's lot like the Neverseen can send us nightmares," Wylie points out, making me kind of jump.
He was always so silent, so when he talked it kinda made me jump.
"Yeah," I add after a little bit to recover, "though it would be pretty cool if we could send dreams to each other," I add with a smirk.

Everyone rolls there eyes.


But little did we know that those possibilities were going to happen soon.

(A little shorter this time ~ hope you liked it anyways ~ Author)

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