9. ~clues-

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(Side Note: Yes, I didn't forget about our little cinnamon bun :) )

Dex's pov:


My eyes instantly flip open as I stare into three pairs of my same periwinkle eyes.

"Wha—HEY GET OFF OF ME!!" I yell, as Bex starts to climb all over my blankets.

"Ewww.. Dex has morning breath," Bex sings back, as she does nothing I told her.

"Whatever. You just can't tolerate anything because your so weak," Rex says, beating me to it.

"AM NOT!!!" Bex screeches.

"ARE TOOOOO!!!" Lex sings back in the same tune Bex had used before.

I sit up and push them all off my bed, pushing the blanket off with them.

"MOM!!!!" I yell, running out my bedroom door before they can get untangled from the blanket, "I THOUGHT YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD LET ME SLEEP IN FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE!!!"


"Mom?!" I call again, as I hear a stampede of footsteps slowly come my way.

"You're mom isn't home right now!!" My dad yells, as his footsteps make their way up the stairs.

My dad grins as he passes me on the stairs to take care of the triplets, "Nice bedhead," he jokes.

I shrug, but then my hand somehow makes it's way on top of my head, "Not my fault. Mom told me that she would take care of them and let me sleep for once."

My dad sighs as he takes all three of them on his back, arm, and leg, "Well, this is what happens when you have siblings. And too bad I'm not a froster like your mother to freeze their feet in place."

He winks, and yells over the yelling that was already going on, "ALRIGHT! RACE TO THE KITCHEN! BUTTERBLASTS ARE AWAITING YOU AT THE TABLE!!!"

Anddd more yelling.

And stomping.

"Ugh," I mumble, half wanting to go to the kitchen to get food, but then also not wanting to.

"Heh," my dad tells me, patting me on the back, "I get it. I actually wanted to talk to you alone though."

I look up, surprised, "If this is another talk about registering for matchmaking, than forget it—"

"Actually.." my dad interrupts, "It isn't. This is about something more... serious."

Then I see him fiddle with the buttons of his shirt.

I sigh, and lean on the rail of the stairs, "Whatever it is then, it's the reason why Mom isn't home right now. Right?" I guess.

Usually, because my mom was a froster (not to mention she's Squall), she was the one to stay home with the triplets while dad went out. And because it was so early in the morning, i was surprised to see anyone go out the door at this time of day.

"Well.." my dad pauses, "Yes." he finally admits.

"What happened?" I ask, "Something with the Black Swan? Neverseen?"

My dad lowers his voice, as if he's afraid the triplets will hear, "Okay. Before I tell you, I want to tell you not to freak out. Nothing is official yet, nothing is found yet, nothing is—"

"Just tell me already?" I ask, getting impatient.

He sighs, and then finally says, "This morning, Grady and Edaline hailed to us. They told us that when they woke up and went to go wake up Sophie... she was... wasn't there...."

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