6. ~Camp Fire~

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~Heyy! Author here. We're getting more views and votes everyday! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for those who read my story! Makes my day to see all those comments and views :) enjoy the next chapter ~


"Dang. Did I ever tell you I love food?"
I look over to see Leo stuffing his face with everything and anything he sees on the plates on the table we're sitting at.
I shake my head, and then focus my attention back to the book I brought from the Athena cabin, and begin to reading the amazing information.
Correction actually.
Attempting to read.
Being demigod wasn't easy already, with all the monsters trying to kill you... not to mention even gods...
But usually there born with a "disability", so I like to put it in quotes. Lucky for me, Annabeth, child of Athena, has trouble reading words in a book thanks to that wonderful dyslexia.
But I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much. I've gotten better over the years and don't really struggle that much anymore.
"What'cha reading about?"
I look up to see Piper peering over the top of my book.
"Oh... uh just trying to research something that Chiron started to tell me about," I tell her.
"Hey!!!" interrupts another voice (which sounds like Frank's) , "Give it backkkkkk—"
"What? It didn't look like you were going to eat it." Says another voice that I am pretty sure is Leo's, "And I haven't eaten good food in days. Actually.. I take that back.. MONTHS!!! Wanna hear the story about Calypso and I riding on Festus and having to live off of—"
"Well that was technically your choice," Hazel interrupts, "We never asked you to fly around that world again, have monsters chase after you, and make us thinking you're dead."
Leo pouts at her, "And I never asked to be a demigod," He mutters.
I sigh.
The joys of having a big group get together. Especially this one. If you want to get something done, you never can because someone always interrupts you.
"If you want my opinion..." Jason then says, filling in the one and only gap of peace and quiet, "I agree with Hazel—"
Then... someone decides to scream at us from all the way across the pavilion, "AY!! BIG GROUP OVER THERE!! ARE YA COMING TO CAMPFIRE OR NOT??"
I snap my book shut in anger and look up at whoever screamed across the pavilion and give them my deepest death glare.
It worked pretty well, because then they were sheepishly walking away.
"Someone looks mad...." Percy teases me after a couple second.
"Shut up seaweed brain," I retort back to him and cross my arms.
"Whatever," Leo says with a smirk, "I'm going to campfire. Unless you want to make a separate flaming hot camp fire out of me..?"
We all look at him like...

uh, no.

But him being son of Hephaestus, and having the ability of fire, there usually were a lot of jokes that included "hot" and "flames".
But aside that, I stand up and tuck the book underneath my arm, and walk with them across the pavilion.
"Whats that book?" Percy asks me, walking by my side.
I give him the book for him to inspect, "I found it in back of the Athena cabin. It's called, Forgotten Events in the History of Mount Olympus.



I inspect the book.
"Sooo.... your trying to dig up secrets about the Gods?" I ask.
She snorts a little, "in a way, yes I guess I am."
I feel the corners of my mouth go up, "Then include me on the project," I tell her excitedly, "Because I don't think you know how long I've been waiting to humiliate the Gods—"
"I said in a way, yes I am Seaweed Brain. But I'm not trying to expose of spill any secrets or anything. I just need more information on.. on what Chiron was starting to tell me yesterday," she says.
The corners of my mouth go down, "Aw. I wanted to expose them," I whine.
"Well then you can do that yourself," she says plainly as she sits down in front of the campfire with the rest of the group.
And we're about to settle down with some camp fire songs when all of the sudden...

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝑶𝒍𝒚𝒎𝒑𝒖𝒔Where stories live. Discover now