28: cassidy

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Jupiter and I had spent all day at the salon having my hair stripped of the brown dye I've used for years. It was almost scary to see how close the hair dresser was able to get to my natural blonde color. She'd left my hair in soft waves and I was kind of excited to see what Maddox's reaction would be. I was surprised when I saw the finished results. I'd been putting aside little bits of money to be able to do this.

I looked like I did coming to New York, except I'm missing the naiveté I once had. I've really changed my life, and I have Maddox to thank for that. Without him, I probably would still be unhappy with Noah.

Jupiter had to meet Alex for dinner, and it gave me the idea to surprise Maddox by getting his favorite takeout. He'd called me earlier and asked if I was coming over tonight so he at least knew I was coming.

The doorman smiled at me as he's grown used to my comings and goings the past few months.

I caught my reflection in the elevator mirrors on the ride up to Maddox's place, and I have to say that this is a change I didn't know I needed. I feel less like the person I became with Noah. It's a good feeling. But what if it's too blonde? Maybe I should have done a different color? One that is less drastic.

I knock on the door first before going in since he'd left it unlocked for me. "Hey Maddox I brought a surprise," I sing walking into the kitchen. What I didn't expect to see was Maddox and Dean watching a hockey game on the television. He never said anything about Dean coming over tonight? Plus if Jupiter and I are off, so shouldn't he be at the bar?

"What is it?" He asks, not turning to look as they're both engrossed into the screen. I scoff and roll my eyes, walking over to lean over the back of the couch to press my lips against Maddox's cheek. His stubble is scratchy, but it gives him an edgy appearance so I don't mind it.

"Cass just give us a second, the game is almost-What the hell?" Dean asks shocked, causing Maddox to turn his head quickly, knocking our foreheads together.

"Oh shit," Maddox claims, rubbing the spot on his head before his mouth hangs open. "Wow."

It's my hair. He doesn't like it.

I try not to let it get to me, but it feels like a blow to the chest. I stand up and force a smile on my face, "I just thought it would be good to mix things up. There's sandwiches on the island, sorry Dean. I didn't know you were here, or I would have ordered you one."

They're both just staring at me in shock. While I knew it would surprise Maddox, this wasn't the reaction I had expected. I walk back towards the kitchen, pulling my hair back into a bun so the product of what I'd done isn't hanging in my face.

So what if he doesn't like it? It's not his hair. It's mine and I can do whatever the hell I want.

I feel Maddox's strong arms wrap around my torso, "Thank you for getting dinner. Dean just wanted to stop by and watch some of the game before his shift at the bar. Playoffs start soon."

"No problem, I'm glad to see that you're spending time together." I try to keep the hurt out of my voice as I try to wiggle out of his grip.

Maddox doesn't let me slip away though, "You're lucky Dean is here, or we wouldn't have the chance to eat dinner. I think I'd like to go straight to dessert instead." His low voice sends shivers through me.

"You're being silly."

"I'm being serious. My god Cassidy, I think you underestimate the effect you have on me." He teases lightly, and a real smile makes an appearance on my face. My heart skips a beat hearing him say that, but I'm not forgetting what happened a minute ago after two comments.

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