Everybody loves a clown•part 1

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You stood in the woods near Dean, staring at the burning pyre. A hunters funeral. Something John damn well deserved, the fire was the only light for miles. Besides the light bit of moonlight that shone above the three of you. Tears where streaming down your face as you watched John's body burn, you where shaking slightly. Not from the cold, but from holding in your sobs.

John may have not been your father, but he acted like he was. Took you in when Matthew died, raised you. Taught you how to hunt, and gave you a family. He may have not been father of the year, but he tried his best. For all of you.

"Before he.. before, did he say anything to either of you? About anything?" Sam asked, his voice weak.

You never told Dean what John had said to you, and Dean hadn't told you either. And you didn't mind that at all, you shook your head "No." You lied. Your voice was bearly a whisper, you couldn't trust yourself with speaking at the moment.

"No. Nothing." Dean said, his voice seemed so empty.


It's been a week. A week since John died. A week since the colt went missing. And a week where you lost the trail of the yellow eyed demon. Dean has been working on the impala fixing her up, and you've been helping him. Learning more how to fix up cars, and more about cars in general. The impala was in a lot better shape now, she was no longer bent up. But she was dusty as hell unfortunately, but you and Dean where getting her fixed up good.

Currently you sat on the cooler outside beside the impala, a cold beer in your hand. Dean was under the car, his legs only showing. The two of you hadn't talked much, unless it was about cars or whatever. You looked over seeing Sam sauntering over, "How's the car coming along" he asked.

"Slow." Dean answered from under the car.

"Yeah? You two need any help?" He asked

Dean must have dropped something heavy, cause you could hear a metal clang. "What, you under a hood? I'll pass. I already have Y/n here, and that's bad enough." Dean said mainly joking.

"Hey!" You exclaimed.

"Need anything else, then?" Sam asked.

You knew exactly what Sam was trying to do, he was trying to get Dean to talk about John. Or something along the lines of that, Dean pushed himself out from under the car and pushed himself up. Looking his baby brother in the eyes, you could see the slight irritation.

"Stop it, Sam." Dean said flatly.

"Stop what?" Sam asked, acting like he didn't know.

"Stop asking if I need anything, stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." Dean said.

You knew that was a fat lie, but knowing Dean he'd act like everything was okay. And when he was ready he'd let everything out, or talk with you about it.

"All right, Dean, it's just... We've been at Bobby's for over a week now and you haven't brought up Dad once." Sam said.

"He doesn't have to Sam." You said, taking a swig of your beer.

"You know what? You're right. Come here. I'm gonna lay my head gently on your shoulder. Maybe we can cry, hug, and maybe even slow dance." Dean said sarcastically.

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