No exit•part 1

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The impala pulls to a stop in front of the road house, you and the boys climb out of the slightly dusty chevy, the sun beams down on the three of you. "Los Angeles, California." Dean said, smirking.

"What's in L.A.?" You asked, chuckling lightly.

"Yeah, what is in L.A.?" Sam repeated.

"Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult." Dean said.

"Ugh, people man. Always thinkin' it's cults, dig deeper." You groaned.

"Yeah, but some people can't handle the truth." Dean said.

"Yeah, whatever." You mumbled.

"Girl got a name?" Sam asked, getting back on topic as usual.

"Katie Holmes." Dean answered.

"That's funny. And for you, so bitchy." Sam said, laughing.

You opend your mouth to say something, but you're caught off guard by the sound of glass breaking and shouting from inside the roadhouse. "Of course, on the other hand — catfight." Dean shrugged.

You rolled your eyes "Well, we should go check." You said.

The three of you walk towards the doors of the roadhouse, the yelling continued. You cautiously pushed open the door, and enter the boys following behind you.

"I am your mother, I don't have to be reasonable!" Ellen exclaimed.

"You can't keep me here!" Jo retorted.

"Oh, don't you bet on that, sweetie." Ellen said, lowly.

"What are you going to do, are you going to chain me up in the basement?" Jo asked, sarcastically.

"You know what, you've had worse ideas than that recently. Hey, you don't wanna stay, don't stay. Go back to school." Ellen argued.

"I didn't belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection." Jo shouted.

"Yeah, and getting yourself killed on some dusty back road, that's where you belong?!" Ellen shouted, much louder than before. She turns seeing you and the boys "Guys, bad time."

You nod "Yes ma'am"

"Yeah, we rarely drink before ten anyway." Dean said, jokingly.

"Wait. I wanna know what they think about this." Ellen said.

Behind you the door opens, you look back to see a family. A mom, a dad, and two kids under three, all wearing bright yellow t-shirts that read "Nebraska is for Lovers" enter.

"I don't care what they think!" Ellen shouted.

"Are you guys open?" That dad asked.

"No!" Jo shouted.

"Yes!" Ellen shouted, both speaking at the same time.

"We'll just... check out the Arby's down the road." The father said, nervously. The family quickly leaves, the doors closing behind the.

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