No exit•final part

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When you came too you looked around, you still had your flashlight and you looked around. You where in what seemed like a small box, you where laying on your back and it was crammed. You aimed your light to the roof of the box and your eyes widened, there where scratch marks. Most likely from the nails of another girl that was here previously, and mixed into the scratch marks was blood. You patted yourself down pulled out your knife, it was one of the iron ones you had. You sighed in relief, you looked over seeing a little hole.

You scooted closer, and looked out of the hole. You couldn't tell where he had stashed you, but you could see plenty of other boxes. Across from you, in another box. You saw a light moving around, and you could hear the breathing of someone.

"Jo?" You called, hopeful.

"Y/n, is that you?" She asked.

You sighed in relief "Yeah, are you okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Teresa's alive." She said.

"Good, good. Let's just hope the boys can find us soon." You said, "Where the hell even are we?" You asked.

"No idea, but it smell." She mumbled.

"I'm not surprised, this sick fuck keeps taking girls. I can't imagine all the bodys here." You said.

Suddenly there was clang "He's back!" A voice panicked.

"Great." Jo grumbled.

You flicked off your light and moved back, your knife in hand. You could hear footsteps echoing throughout the area, then they stopped. You frowned and scooted closer to the hole, thinking that he was gone. Suddenly a hand reached through, and grabbed you by the hair. You let out a scream as the hand pulled your hair, you struggled. Trying to break free, you slashed your knife at the hand. And suddenly he screamed and vanished, you sighed in relief.

"Y/n, are you okay?!" Jo called, worried.

"Y-yeah, I'm good." You said, rubbing your head and wincing in pain.

"He gone?" Jo asked.

"Not sure, but let's h-"

You where cut off when the hand came through, and grabbed your hair again. Pulling you you closer to the hole, you let out a another scream. But before it could go on much longer, you mouth is covered by another hand. You struggled more, you had lost your grip on your knife.

"Hey!" A familiar voice exclaimed, suddenly a shot went of ans you where released. "Y/n?!" Dean called.

"I'm here." You breathed out.


"Here!" Jo answered.

Dean pulled open the compartment, and you grabbed you knife and flashlight. You climbed out and fell into Dean, he helped you fully stand. And looked at you, you could see the worry and fear in his apple green eyes.

"You okay?" He asked.

You nodded "Yeah, my head hurts. But I'm fine." You said.

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