The Encounter

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"Oh crap I'm late. I'm late. I'm late. I'm late!" (Y/N) muttered to herself as she raced to put on her uniform.

In a record breaking time she quickly got dressed and sped out the door. As she was passing a convenience store, she realized she hadn't eaten yet.

With a roaring stomach, (Y/N) entered the shop and looked around form some Onigiri*.

A/N: Onigiri = Japanese rice ball

"If you're looking for the Onigiri we just ran out." A man said while flipping through a magazine.

(Y/N) gave a nod and went to the back where all of the cold drinks were. She picked up a green tea and found that there were pork buns. She paid for her things and briskly walked to school, devouring her food on the way.

As she approached the school doors, she heard the bells began to ring. This caused her to start sprinting to her class.

While in the mist of doing so, she failed to notice the orange haired kid turning the corner. They clashed into each other which resulted in them both ending up on the floor.

"Ahh! Gomen! Gomen! Are you you ok?" The boy shrieked.

"Oh no it's fine." She said in a quiet tone. "Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm perfectly fine." He gave off a happy smile and went to go walk only to find himself back onto the floor. (Y/N) ran to his side.

"My foot hurts. So much." Realizing that he can't walk, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and helped him to the nurses office.

When they got there, the nurse said that the boy's ankle was swollen but it wasn't anything too serious. She suggested that he'd rest here for a couple hours and the swelling should go down.

"Gomen. This is all my fault." (Y/N) sighed in the same soft voice.

"Don't say that! I should've been paying more attention!" He argued but she couldn't help but still feel guilty. "What's your name?"


"I'm Hinata!" He gleamed. His happiness caused her to give a small smile.

"I have to go to class now. Bye Hinata." The orange haired boy pursed his lips out of sadness, not wanting her to go.

"Oh ok. I'll see you later hopefully!"

She waved him goodbye and went to class. This time being more careful.

Her first class of the day was Mathematics. After explaining the situation, her sensei understood why she was late. Hisako-Sensei told her that if it were to happen again she'll have to stay after class and clean up.

"You may have a seat next Tsukishima. Tsukishima raise your hand for me please." A boy with glasses sitting in the back held his hand in the air. (Y/N) trotted to where he was and took a seat next to the empty desk.

She could feel the eyes of Tsukishima on her but chose not to say anything.

It wasn't until after Hisako-Sensei finished her lecture in which Tsukishima spoke to (Y/N).

"Tch how can someone be so stupid?" He grumbled underneath his breath but was loud enough for her to hear. Even though she knew that the comment was directed towards her, (Y/N) did not speak a word to him.

This came off as a surprise to the boy, having used to the victim of his rude statements often say something in return.

"Oi! Didn't you hear me?"

She decided to look at him this time but again didn't say anything. What she was doing annoyed Tsukishima. How can someone just ignore him like that. His face grew perplexed and rolled his eyes at the girl.

Satisfied with the outcome, she turned her head forward and began to do her work.

After class was dismissed, (Y/N) headed out.

She went to the nurses office to check on Hinata and saw him laying down with a bored expression. That changed though once he saw (Y/N).

"(Y/N)-Chan! You're back!"

"I wanted to check in on you and see how you were doing." She said, her voice still soft.

"I'm better now that you're here!" She had a seat on the edge of the bed and they began talking. She asked Hinata what his favorite thing to do after school was and he went on to gush about volleyball. He even told her about how he had to play with his enemy from middle school.

As much as she loved listening to the enthusiasm he had for volleyball, she knew she had to leave again.

"Wait I want to walk with you!" Hinata exclaimed. The nurse had to test his walking before he was cleared to leave. Once he passed her little test, they started strolling out the door.

"Be sure to take it easy during practice!" She called out to him. He responded with an ok and they continued down the hall. It wasn't until they were standing side by side in which (Y/N) noticed how much shorter she was than Hinata. 

"Do you have any other stories about volleyball?"

"Ooh! There was this one time I hit our setter in the back of the head during a practice match." He shuddered at that thought.

"How did you let that happen?" (Y/N) chuckled.

"I don't know! It was my first practice match and I was nervous."

Hinata and (Y/N) stopped outside of (Y/N)'s classroom. "I'll come back here and walk you to your other classes." He stated and went to leave.

"Wait, you don't need to do that."

He turned back around and flashed his usual smile. "It's ok! I like hanging out with you!" He said then made his way to his next period. He likes
hanging out with me, she thought. It's been a while since she heard someone say that to her.

With a small grin on her face, she entered the room and took her seat. He likes hanging out with me.

Hinata kept his word and was there when her class was over. This round of conversation, he asked her if she wanted to watch his practice.

"Am I allowed to?"

"Uhh I think so. Plus who wouldn't want you around. You're so nice."

"Arigatō for say thing that but I'm not sure. Since I started school late, I need to catch up on missing assignments."

"Please (Y/N)-Chan! I really really want you to see me play." She thought for some time. Would it be so bad to go to one practice? Oh what the heck.

"Ok I'll go."

Hinata started to cheer causing people to look at them. (Y/N) patted his head and told him to calm down. He apologized and she walked him to class. 

"You're coming coming back here right?" He asked still not wanting to leave her.

"Of course I will." They said their goodbyes and she went on to her class.

Hey hey hey! You've made it to the end. Thank you so much for sticking around this far and I hope you'll continue to the next chapter!

If you have any questions or requests then please leave them in the comments or dm me. I want to make this book more enjoyable for everyone.

Alrighty let's gooo!

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