A Dad Of Our Dreams

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"I know you said-"


(Y/N) had to take the phone off of her ear because of how loud he was being. She turned around and saw the two boys staring at her.

'Gomen', she mouthed then went outside. He had calmed down by then.

"People are going to know that I have a daughter. A dumb one if I might add. Then that won't be good for business would it?"

"No." She said in her soft, almost whisper of a voice.

"Ok so listen up closely brat, cause I'm not going to repeat myself. Next time you try to reach me, even if it's a text, I'm going to cut off your phone. I told you too many fucking times before to not do that. I'm tired of having to cover my ass because you couldn't handle basic directions."

She took a deep breath in. "Gomen. I just wanted to say thanks for the shirt."

"Yeah whatever." There was a short sliver of silence before he had sucked his teeth in. "Ah shit my supervisor calling. I meant what I said. Don't contact me." She went to open her mouth but the phone had disconnected already.

She stood there for a few seconds to get her breathing regular again. Even though she was used to him yelling at her, it still made her heart race.

Once it was in a comfortable pattern, she went back inside. There she saw all of them staring at her.

"(Nickname).." Hinata whispered.

"I can help you with the movie now, come on let's go." She went upstairs and they followed.

"Hey are you ok?"

They went into her room. "Uh yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

(Y/N) had a seat on her bed and got the remote.

"Kageyama heard your dad yelling at you. Said he called you names." Yamaguchi gave a sympathetic look.

Hinata took a seat next to her. "If something's happening then-"

"Seriously, it's fine. Let me turn on the movie for you guys. You said A Silent Voice right?" She gave them both a sly smile.

"Oh yes."

She pulled the movie up and started playing it. "Ok, I'm going downstairs now. You two can get comfortable in my bed. I don't mind." She walked back to the living room to find Tsukishima and Kageyama whispering aggressively.

"Talk to her."

"You do it."

"Quit being an asshole and just do it."

"I'm not good with feelings and crap."

"Neither am I."

"Uh guys?"

They both looked at her, not even noticing she had came down. "Are you going to turn on a movie Kageyama?"

He took the remote and turned on the T.V. (Y/N) walked over and took a seat in between the two boys being sure to make space for them.

"Would you scoot over?" Tsukishima said in a quiet tone.

"Oh gomen." She shifted over towards Kageyama. "Sooo what's the movie?"

"You know the show Death Note?"


"Well apparently they remade in America so we're going to watch that."

She shook her head and faced the T.V that is now playing a movie.

After about an hour of watching the movie, (Y/N) started to get up.

"Oi where are you going?" Kageyama questioned.

"To check on Hinata and Yams."

She walked up to her room and saw Hinata who was a snotty mess, wrapped up in her covers and Yams who comforted him while having a few tears of his own.

"The movie must be really sad." She said as she stood at the entrance of the door way.

"Ahh (Nickname)! You scared me." Hinata flailed his arms everywhere, almost hitting Yamaguchi who was pausing the movie.

"Hey be careful, you're gonna hit me."

"Gomen. I didn't mean to disrupt you guys, I just wanted to check in."

"This movie is sooo good. I love it!"

"Yeah. No matter how many times I watch it, I never get tired of it."

"Ok that's good, I'm glad you all are enjoying your movie. I'm going to go back downstairs now."

"Bye (Nickname)." They said at the same time.

She walked back down to her spot in the middle of them.

"How's the movie so far?"

"Eh it's-"

"If you wouldn't have went upstairs then you would know. Now shut up, you're being too loud."

(Y/N) let out a sigh and mumbled gomen.

Throughout the rest of the movie, Kageyama sent death glares towards Tsukishima. All Tsukishima did was roll his eyes in return.  

After both movies were over, the boys picked up their stuff and prepared to go home.

As (Y/N) greeted them out the door, Kageyama stopped and kind of pulled her aside from the others.

"You have my number right?"

She nodded her head yes.

"If you ever feel upset or wanna talk then just shoot me a text."

"Oh that's really sweet of you. Arigatō." She gave him a smile. He grumbled a no problem before turning away rather quickly and ran out the door.

"If you guys need any help don't hesitate to ask me." She shouted as they walked away. They all said ok and continued on their way home.

She shut the door and went upstairs to her room.

Now it's all quiet, she thought to herself as she turned off the lights.

Too quiet.


This chapter isn't my favorite one honestly but I think it came together alright

Also I just realized I made (Y/N) say gomen a lot

Thanks to anyone who still reading my book 😅

Remember that if you have any questions or concerns, then dm me or comment them. I would love to hear feedback.

See you all next Tuesday 😛

P.S, I was having waaayy to hard of a time coming up with a name for this chapter so if anyone was wondering why it's like that it's because I have the brain capacity of a 8 year old child.

Future Sasha here: I needed to reference this chapter for the current one I'm working on which is the 20th chapter (don't have a title for it yet) and I realized how much I hated the 4 boys and 1 girl title name I originally and so I changed it. Why am I saying all of this instead of deleting the paragraph above? idek. Also today's Kageyama's birthday 😾😭 lol ok bye

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