Another Tutoring Session

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"Ok guys, you all get home safe."

"Next time let me pick." Kageyama demanded then walked out the door.

"I had fun like always, see you tomorrow." Yamaguchi followed.

"....*mumble*..... *mumble* ....gatō for letting me... *more mumbling*....brat." He trotted out the door quickly which left a confused look on (Y/N)'s face.

"Uhhh ok. I'll talk to later T-Rex."

"Don't call me that ever again."

"Bye (Nickname)." Hinata ruffled her hair and she giggled.

"Later Hin."

She waved one last time before closing the door, turning off the lights and T.V, and then headed upstairs to her room.

(Y/N)'s room was never really messy so cleaning came to ease as she picked up a couple of clothing off of the floor.

After doing so, she got in the shower and brushed her teeth.

Having done her night routine, (Y/N) remembered the homework given to her earlier that day. She started on it during practice before being told to be a substitute though, she didn't get a lot done.

She took a look at the clock on her stand which read 11:32 pm.

"Let's try and finish this before bed." (Y/N) had seat at her desk and neatly laid out the social studies homework.

She would take occasional brakes but overall, she was very focused.

At around 12:20, (Y/N) received a text from the first year group chat.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Hin ☀️
-Is anyone up rn?

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Tsukkiasaurus Rex 🦖
-What the hell do you want?

To: First Year Group Chat
From: (Nickname) 🦔
-What's up?

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Kageyama-Kun 😾
-I swear if you say some dumb shit, I will go to your house and shove your phone down your throat.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: (Nickname) 🦔
-Why are you so mean to him Kageyama?

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Kageyama-Kun 😾
-I'm not mean.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Hin ☀️
-It's not dumb Crappyama, it's about today's homework in social studies.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: (Nickname) 🦔
-Woah that's crazy, I'm working on that right now.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Tsukkiasaurus Rex 🦖
-Huh what do you know? So am I.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Kageyama-Kun 😾
-Well I'm not.
-But if we're gonna be sharing answers then let me go get my work.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: (Nickname) 🦔
-Let's get on call.

To: First Year Group Chat
From: Tsukkiasaurus Rex 🦖
-You start it

On the Phone......

(Y/N) : Hey so for number one I go-

Tsukishima: Something stupid didn't you.

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