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It's been a few days since...since the incident I haven't stopped trying find out where they took Catra. I wasn't sure if there was an active spire or a ground fortress somewhere but I was so worried I was half tempted to storm every possible place in Eitheria to find my cat.

"Adora, you need to calm down you haven't slept in days, you've barley eaten anything. Well find her don't worry just please eat something." I was on the receiving end of another one of Glimmers self care speeches.

"I can't. Not until Catras safe back in my arms." I went back to coming up with a strategy. "I have Entrapta searching Eitheria and the surrounding worlds for any sign of a large energy source that could be horde clones. I knew we should have destroyed them when we had that chance. We may of killed prime but we never killed there need to fulfill his will."

Glimmer sighed behind me placing a single hand on my shoulder I never once turned to look at her. I couldn't I had to much to worry about. Her hand fell from its place on my arm and she turned away leaving me to myself.

Not moments later In burst Entrapta with Hordak and wrong Hordak at her sides.

" Adora!" She yelled at me even though I was no more then 2 feet away "we have a few places with large enough energy that there could still be horde clones there! Hordak and wrong Hordak said that these few spires we found were like to still have life in them!" She was talking so fast I almost missed it but what I did catch was she has an idea of where Catra was.

"Great where are they!? I'll search all of them if I have to." She paused

"That's the problem. The one that has the most energy that Hordak and wrong Hordak seem to think is where the clones are is a planet that was taken over years ago." She looked at her tracker pad tapping and turned it towards me "The planet is called Ovalis and horde prime had taken control of it centuries before he found Eitheria!" She was getting excited, we both knew this was bad but what else do we expect from Entrapta.

"Ok so Ovalis is where we need to be. Great well leave now." She put her hand up

"Actually, I don't know about that. We saw thousands of horde clones and bots on Eitheria but on Ovalis they have colonies of them! Im not even sure how you all would get to the main spire, or if thats even where they would be keeping Catra. With prime gone they have no leader and it's chaos over there I'm sure. We would need to use some sort of tech to get a look at the planets atmosphere and it's hierarchy before we can even attempt to breach it."

"What if we used the main spire to see of anything there can help us get a look at this planet of theirs." I wasn't sure if it would work but Entrapta seemed intrigued.

"YES! It's a perfect plan! We can keep most of the princesses here to start disposing of the bots and clones on Eitheria and bow, you, glimmer and I can investigate the spire and then see if we can get to Ovalis!!" Her eyes light up

"Brothers may Hordak and I follow you on this journey as we know some of this planet." Wrong Hordak asked us.

"Of course! Ohhh this is gonna be great!!" Entrapta squealed grabbing the Hordaks and skipping out of the room.

Guess our intergalactic mission starts a little sooner then expected. I need to work on a plan!

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