The Klonversation

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"B-Blaine!" Kurt pushed Anthony away and ran to the door, "Blaine! Wait, why did you run away?!"

"You're in love with him, aren't you. You cut our Skype session just to rehearse, when you can rehearse any other time, and you didn't seem happy when I told you I'm going to visit you. Y-you kissed him, Kurt, longer than we did, Kurt. You wr-wrapped your arms around him, but you didn't do it to me, l-like y-you used to," Blaine cried.

This time, Kurt could see that he had been torturing himself missing himself, yet getting all this when he finally get over the miss feeling. Blaine's tears flowing is real this time.

"I'm so sorry, Blaine, I-I really didn't want t-to," Kurt lied.

"You're lying Kurt, I can sense it," Blaine lowened his head, "We're over, Kurt, I-I hate being with someone who don't love me back. I'm done with you."

Blaine ran to Kurt's dorm room to collect his luggages.

"Blaine, I still love you."

"Words can be so simple. I'm getting my stuff and going back."

"Blaine, I really do! I love you, Blaine, I don't love anyone else! Blaine, give me another chance!" Kurt screamed, suddenly felt normal.

He thought deeply. What was he doing all this time? He didn't feel the feelings he felt before. Suddenly, his whole mind change. He realised that he do really love Blaine. More than anything else in this world. He was totally unsure why was he crushing on Anthony. He couldn't explain his feelings. Maybe, he was just too lonely. But for real, he needed Blaine all this while.

"B-Blaine, wait," Kurt spun Blaine around and kissed his lips.

Blaine didn't respond.

Blaine pulled away and stared at Kurt.

"That was meaningless, why would you do it," Blaine frowned at Kurt and ran away, "Don't call me, text me, don't, do anything to me, Kurt. I d-don't love you anymore, Kurt, I'm so sorry."

Blaine ran away, letting his tears flow free. Kurt stared at Blaine running away. He felt like, he have no hope in love anymore.

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