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Hello everyone

I am delighted to welcome you to a new journey with a new book.

As i had promised i have another story in mind, so here i am to introduce you all to my newest baby, i had the idea of this story in my mind for months now but i had been so caught up in various things that i couldn't work on it but finally i have decided to take the reins of this story and welcome you all on this new journey. 

It is a very sensitive topic that i have taken up with this book and i personally feel it will be a huge challenge for me to work on it but i am going to try my best  and i hope i can make you all experience the emotions and concept of this story just the way i have it pictured in my head.

Everything within this book unless stated otherwise Is a work of fiction and an idea from the mind of the author. Names, Characters, places and incidents are all products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person whether living or dead, events, incidents whatsoever is purely coincidental.

While I have used names of members of BTS and other Korean celebrities, it by no means elucidates their actual self or persona. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the permission of the author. Plagiarism is not allowed.

Also, if you choose to read this book, I want to make you aware that the book may or may not include Mpreg, angst, strong language, rape, sexual harassment, death (not of any main characters of the story) and Prostitution.

Another thing that I wanted to mention was being a silent reader, I too have been a silent reader for a very long time and I absolutely understand the emotions of one as when you are immersed in reading you may find it difficult to shift your focus from it and comment on the book and I completely understand you. However I would appreciate it if you vote for my book in case you like it and continue to read it since it not only shows your appreciation for my book but is also a form of encouragement for me for all the hard work I put in while writing the book.

Lastly, it is Fan Fiction, please don't take it personally I am only here to share my thoughts and writing with, hoping that maybe my words can touch your heart which has always been my foremost priority whenever I write. Also, I am aware being shippers we all have our favourites in terms of the ships but I would appreciate it if there is no hate directed towards any particular ship in the book. I myself am a hard-core Namjin shipper but I read and appreciate all other ships since all of them have various emotions and sentiments attached to them by their shippers.

On this note, I thank you all for giving me your precious time and I hope you enjoy reading the book and please don't hesitate to reach out to me in DM'S I would love to hear your thoughts on my books.

Thank you!

- Anya 

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