Japan - 22

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Slight mature content

Tessa seems to enjoy my pancakes, which I'm very happy about. I'm not the best cook so I had to look up the recipe but she doesn't need to know that.

"You should cook more, these are delicious!"


"So, I haven't had the time to ask you, how was Japan?"

I'm so glad she asks me that! It was amazing! It wasn't my first time going there, obviously, but we do something different every time so it feels new. I tell her everything about it and at some point in the conversation, I remember someone I met during the trip.

"Oh and, I think it was on Friday night, I went to the gym and saw a guy working out. I thought he looked so cool!"

"What about him made you think that?"

"Well, he had really cool tattoos and he was so muscular, I really admired him."

I excitedly took my phone out and showed a picture of him I took in secret.

"Waah, he looks good!"

"Yah, don't start drooling over him too!"

She giggles as I hide my phone from her. I look at the screen one last time before closing it and putting it in my pocket.

"You're such a fanboy, you know that?"

"Don't make fun of me! I just wish I could look like him."

"You want to get tattoos?"

"Y-yeah, I think so."

Tessa leans back and crosses her arms over her chest before looking at me with curious eyes. There's a slight glint of playfulness in her gaze.

"Then why don't you do it?"

"Because... idols aren't supposed to have those, they look bad to the public."

"They look bad?"

"It's not well seen to have tattoos here, people start seeing you as a rebel or something. I know it's weird but they're pretty controversial."

She leans forward again and supports herself on her elbows.

"You know what I think about that?"


"I think you shouldn't care about the public's opinion."


"Yeah, and I also think that you'd look good with tattoos."

I'm happy that Tessa doesn't judge me for what I just told her. Some people would be totally against it and would judge easily. I'll have to think more about that project, it's really something I want to do but I don't even know what I want so I'll have to think about it. I then try to change the subject, not thinking it's necessary to continue to talk about tattoos.

"So, what do you want to do today?"

"Let's go take a walk!" She happily exclaims.

"This isn't a good idea..."

"But I really want to get out of the house before it starts to get too cold outside..."

"Tessa, you need to recover first, I can't let you out in this condition."

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