Page 15: "I can't feed my hunger."

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[Simon Curtis - D.T.M]


What's up.

Have a good read.^^


"Listen to them, Children of the Night! The music they make!"

- Dracula, Bram Stoker


June 1, 1595

While the wind of the cool night moving through the window moved the large thin curtains, a body mixed with the wind crept through the hollow windows and curtains into the room.

Meanwhile, the weak man lying with his back turned on the bed opened his eyes, feeling the movement, and the first thing he saw was the wall decorated with torches and ornaments.  The body was behind him, and the sound of several small steps he took through the room could be heard.

“Elizabeth…” she said muttering.  When he will turn his head and turn to him, the body entering the room, "Don't look!"  He stopped him, so the man turned his head back.

When Elizabeth turned her eyes to the mirror next to her, she noticed that her dress was covered in blood and dirt all over, and her hands and mouth shared the same blood.  He swallowed hard with the vast blood drying on his porcelain-perfect lips.

"Well," said the man quietly.  His back was still towards him and his gaze was focused on the wall.  After a brief silence, he heard a few sounds of fabric, and his half-sleepy eyes opened up in full alertness, clenching his hand into a fist in the veil he was holding, thinking the woman might be undressing.

When she felt some movement in the bed, the woman was lying on the bed, her head on the other pillow and her eyes turned to the ceiling.  “Yosef,” he said in an almost whispering tone.  "Are you really in love with me?"

Although the man died to turn and look at the woman, it was crazy not to be able to look because he told him not to.  When she moved her hand to the side of the woman, she realized that she was not completely undressed, only as much as she would stay in her nightgown.

Just two days ago, Yosef had made a declaration of love for Elizabeth and asked him to come to his own castle, Bran castle.  Elizabeth said that she would think about it, that she could not give an answer right now, which was quite different.

Elizabeth didn't trust Yosef.  Yosef didn't know him.  Nevertheless, coming and making such big words and presenting his love at some point annoyed his nerves, he could not believe his reality because how long had he been met yet?  Two weeks?  He only knew his name, age, and marriage.  He didn't know what he likes, what he doesn't like, what kinds of secrets he keeps, what his life purpose, how he got here, nothing, nothing.

"Yes," said Yosef, looking away from the wall.  Even this question, if he still had a living heart, he would speed it up like crazy and strain his ribcage, but still his stomach was contracting, undeniably excited.  She hugged every word Elizabeth could possibly accept her.  "Yes, I am in love."

Even though Yosef could not see it, she let go of the woman's lips and seized a closed smile.  In love with what?  Your beautiful face?  Is it your manners?  To his nobility or to his strength?  What did God love to punish?  He didn't even know him.

With his tongue he wetted his bloody lips, the taste of dried blood on the tip of his tongue spread to his taste buds, his hands clasped on his stomach.  He didn't even know why he came to his room.  He just felt in a deep emptiness.  Her husband was dead and Yosef did not even know about it, and Elizabeth had received this news in the morning.  He had lost his life in the war, and they had considered a small piece of paper to report this.  She had never fallen in love with her husband and felt nothing, but it was still her husband.  He didn't even know how to feel.  He had no idea how to react in such situations.

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