Page 26: "Van Helsing."

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[Zella Day - High]


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"I have two souls in my bosom, similar to the moon. One face looks at everyone, the other just into the darkness."



25 years ago

Bordeaux, France

In the rainy and gloomy night, as the sky rumbled violently and illuminated this port city from time to time, as if spewing all its anger to humanity, the tears of each cloud that fell on the ground were spreading into the narrow streets of this port city.

There was lightning flashing from the speed of the light, followed by another sound mixed with the sound of thunder, so that the cries and moans of pain could not be heard by others, the windows were tightly closed and the doors were stuffed with cloth.

The woman who owned the scream was writhing as if she were dying on the second floor of a larger and more ornate mansion amongst small, boxy houses with gardens, and she was hardly breathing hard on the bed she lay on.  While he was surrounded by a few servants who acted in panic, his belly was on his nose, the sweat oozing from his pores was all over his body.  His face turned red, he clenched himself as if he would break his jaw from pressing his teeth together.

"Push, my lady!"  Said the middle-aged maid woman, peering in through the woman's legs.  Meanwhile, the streets of Bordeaux met with a strong breeze, and the signs of the inns were shaken.  It swayed loudly with the sails of the ships moored in the harbor.  The experienced sailors who owned the ships were sitting in their inns and drinking their beers like water in the glass, which they did not know anymore because they could no longer count.

On the other hand, the woman who gave birth, at the command of the maid, was strong again and she screamed as if her throat burst with these labor pains and pain, which were almost a torment of hell.  The young maid, who tried to direct the baby in her womb with a slight pressure towards the woman's legs, grimaced with a scream that hit her ears.  This beautiful brunette young girl, even though she was just in her wedding dress age, was in so worthless and vain pain for the boy she was going to bring out.

"I can see your head, come on, lady, push of them!"  In contrast to the middle-aged maid who had re-commanded, the dark woman had thrown her head back with a groan, and using that mysterious power that came into her body by the grace of God, she was more powerful.  His pillow, linens, and even his white cotton nightgown were soaked with sweat, plasma and blood.

Between a few straining, moaning, and screaming, the young woman, who no longer had her mood, put her body back on the bed, pantingly staring at the ceiling.  The middle-aged maid, who grabbed the child from between her legs and turned her upside down by the feet, tapped the child's bottom lightly, so that the child, almost dead, still covered with blood, began to cry loudly with the blow.

While only the baby's crying sounds were being burned in the quiet room, the middle-aged woman looked at the bloody and sticky baby with an indifferent and equally cautious expression on her face, frowning.  Along with what he saw, fright had the baby down on his arm and whispered "Good God .." in his trembling voice.

The boy had ten hands and ten toes, and yes, that wasn't a problem.  The problem was the boy's spinal structure and the frighteningly odd shape of his face.  His forehead rose like a dome, his head seemed larger than a baby's big head.  His eyes looked like two bugs, too low and under his big forehead.  His brow bones were lumpy and weird like a few pearls lined up next to each other, his small nose too flattened, and a slit in the middle of his lower lip.  His spine was straight and protruding from the skin rather than a s-shape.  One of the shoulder blades grew like a spear under the skin.

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