Page 23: "I'll be your worst nightmare."

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[Zayn- Dusk till dawn ft.  Sia]


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"Where the golden eagle once shined,

Now a black bat has stood guard. "

Coliseum, Edgar Allan Poe


2 August 1601

The harmony revealed by the chirping of the birds, the sun's rays filtering through the great trees that the summer brings with the vitality and joy of the summer, the fallen leaves and the cool soil in which the flowers drown, a pair of bare feet just stood and crushed the trunks of the long ears under them.

The owner of the feet was stunned by the sun sensitivity that he had not felt before when he raised his hand and squinted his eyes uncomfortably, with the discomfort of the sun's rays, but he was still tired of the sense of changeability of escaping from the cold and sultry darkness after a long period of time.

And got used to it;  Slightly hunched in the sun, his body got used to the sun after a few minutes, but he still felt the pain of his dirty eyes.

When he unfastened his long black robe and began to take several uneven steps, when he completely removed the thin fabric and released it to the blowing wind, he was left with only his linen shirt, loose cotton trousers and thick belt, stepping on the large rock that came before him and felt its hardness and roughness under his bare feet.

The depression under his eyes, the weakness in his cheeks that seemed to have pulled all his soul and positive emotions away from him, exposed his jawbones and he continued walking.  As the wind blew his lifeless hair and waved his shirt, he saw white and small butterflies flying over flowers and magpies landing on branches.

When his damaged and bloody hands began to unbutton his shirt, the priceless taste of the only freedom he felt by not knowing that he was here, combined with the fresh and beautiful air he breathed into his lungs, he breathed hard in his nose.  One button, two buttons, three buttons, he had released all the buttons from his buttonholes and pulled in his almost absent abdomen with the resulting body, now thin enough to be boned.

He hesitated for a while, the wind blew into his bones, his eyes closed peacefully, his dry lips captured a smile, he slipped the shirt off his shoulders and threw it aside.  Meanwhile, his tired body continued to climb up the steep slope, dropping the ants and small insects that were climbing his bare feet with another step.

When he opened his big gray eyes for a moment and looked at the exuberant sea beneath the cliff and the cliff at the end of the slope, with the smell of salt seeping in from his nostrils and the feeling of relief, he had lowered his hands and looked at the immense blue.  It was a beautiful day, what a beautiful day.

What a unique day to die like this ..

When her hands unfastened the belt and button of her trousers and the cotton fabric fell from her legs, now thin as a branch, to her feet, she left her soft and clean underwear on her, dragging her mother-born body to the edge of the cliff.

Taking one last step, with his fingertips protruding from the threshold, he looked at the exuberant sea that called him to death with broken eyes.  How calm and how tranquil he was since the war within himself had ended and he surrendered to his monster feelings!  While the beast consumed him inside and consumed all his life, he had exploited his dirty body to the bone, and the sea was now as enthusiastic and passionate as all the war, greed and stubbornness it had left behind.

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