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When the sun pierced through my blinds the next morning, I was completely exhausted. Ruri and I had to stay at the club until 2am for closing time.

All they other workers departed early for some late night party at Jackson apartment around 12am. Me and Ruri didn't think anything of it and were forced to stay past our usual shifts of 12 am. But the upside of the situation was we were getting paid for those two extra hours.

As I leaned up and reach over to my nightstand to grab my phone I realize that I was going to be an hour late for my shift this morning. Today I would be opening the whole club alone, and all I wanted to do was rest my eyes.

The manager Mr. Davis picked one or two people each day to open up the club around the 10 just in case something comes up missing, he'll know that only one or two people were working that morning shift and wouldn't have to accuse the whole staff.

Smart, but dumb at the same time.

Smart because I get the reasoning, people tend to steal you know, but dumb because it takes one person 2-3 hours to open the club and its still not done when the other workers roll in.

So I pushed my covers off my body, rose to my feet and headed to the shower.

After washing up and finishing my hygiene routine, I got dressed in my uniform, grabbed my important belongs and through them into my old purse. My stomach started growling so I grabbed a quick granola bar hoping to get something around the club.

30 minutes later

I finally reached the club and was shocked by the sight I was seeing.

The lock was no longer on the door and the door itself was swung wide open. This unfamiliar car was parked outside and I just hoped it was a new car from one of the employees.

I slowly walked towards the front door more, and my nerves were all over the place.

I was scared that I was going to be attacked by a burglar, yet curious to see if the person was a burglar at all.

I stepped 10 more feet forward and was now fully inside Aces. Clutching by stomach and bag I began saying "hello" like girls in horror films.

"Hello, anyone here"


"Yes, I'm here"

"Oh thank god." I spoke letting go of the biggest breathe. I slowly removed my hand from the hold of my purse and stomach, when the getters finally vanished.

" Hi...hey... who are you" Jackson spoke, raising one of his eyebrows and giving me a look of confusion.

" Hi, I'm Apollo" I state with a whisper
Holding out my hand towards him

" Huh? What? Sweetheart I can't hear you"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, inhaled, exhaled then started over again.

" Hi, I'm Apollo" stating a little above a whisper but loud enough for him to hear me. Holding out my hand once again.

"Oh, hi Apollo do you work here" he question turning around and walking towards the back room.

When Jackson didn't shake my hand I was kinda hurt, but followed not wanting to attract weird attention.

"Yes. I've been working here for 2 years. Me and my friend Ruri actually. We mainly work behind the bar."

"Oh ok. Your supposed to be helping me open up the club this morning or were you hoping to speak with my father?" He said dryly carrying a hand full of stacked chairs from the back room.

" yah to help open"

"Okay. Grab some chairs and follow me"

I dropped my bag at the nearest table and
began unloading the chairs with Jackson.

-Jackson in MM

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