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After everything that happened at the bar ended and when it was finally time to go home I was first out the door.

I couldn't last another minute looking at Marcy & Jackson flaunt their perfect relationship around the whole bar.

I ordered my Uber and rushed home. But when I got there everything turned upside down.

Their was a huge eviction paper on my apartment door and my belongings where along the in front of the door. How could this possibly happen I remember paying the bill last month.

I turned around a walked towards the landlord's office.

When I arrived he was sitting on his sofa, lunged over watching the highlights of a football game. I knocked angrily before showing myself inside

"Excuse me, why am I being evicted I payed the bill"

"Actually you did not the last time you payed was 3 months ago"

"What.....that's impossible, I distinctively remember—"

I paused remember I hadn't payed the bill since my birthday which was 3 months ago. The landlord realized and averted his eyes back towards the tv screen.

"Please can I pay you now I have the money" I said grabbing my wallet out my purse

"Sorry toots, it's to late I have your apartment to someone else"

"What....how... what"

" by doing it, now can you go the game about to start. Make sure you close the door on your way out" he said keeping his gaze on the tv screen

"Where am I supposed to go" I stated with tears in my eyes

After 10 minutes with no response, I exited his office, grabbed the certain things I could carry and walked back towards the bar.

I didn't want to bombarded Ruri with my problems, so I figured that I would crash at the bar for a week then go to a hotel.

I got to the bar around 12-12:30, when I knew everyone would be gone. It was kind of scary at first but when I situated myself out in the backroom, all my worry began to fade. I soon drifted into a deep slumber.

1 hour later....
I jumped out of myself so anxious and frightened by the commotion in the next room.

I ducked under the nearby table quietly waiting for the stranger to leave, but that failed when my phone started ringing loud.

The person walked into the room, abruptly and turned on the lights, and it was the last person I thought it would see at this time.

" yo what are you doing here" he stated with a confused look on his face. He had a stronger scent to him, it was mixed with alcohol and weed, which bother my nose tremendously.

"Oh...umm...I'm just crashing here for the night don't feel like going home yk" trying to play it off as best as I can

"Oh frl" he says squinting his eyes a little "how dumb do you think I am" now I'm convinced he didn't believe a word I said "Apollo I'm going to give you one more chance to say the truth" what's his problem, he's a way more dick intoxicated

" I can't say it's embarrassing"

"So stealing is embarrassing to you, cause I think——

I could him off quickly once "stealing" cake out his mouth

"Stealing! I would never steal from. And on top of that, why would I be laying on the floor sleep if I was stealing dumb ass"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE!" HE scream in my face

"Don't yell at me" tears were wetting the tops of my cheeks, I wanted to tell him but it would indicate that I was really homeless, in a place with no alleged family.

"If you would answer my question I wouldn't have to yell" he said walking towards me before plopping on the floor

" okay, but promise you won't laugh"

"Don't say that cause I'll end up laughing at you"

"What— that's such a sick move" I said letting my legs and dropping my head In between

"I'm kidding, what's wrong?"

" I just got evicted" I whispered

"You know you have to speak up right" Jackson said while lifting my head with his fingers.

I Sighed tears drenching my cheeks and spoke a bit louder

" I got evicted from my place" he's grew wide then softened "I know embarrassing, but I'll get threw it" he replaced removed his hand from my chin onto my back and began rubbing it

"I slowly leaned into him, but lift up to over step my boundaries. He gave me an assuring look that I could lay on him, and my entire body collapsed onto his.

Rubbing my back became so soothing that my eyes grew heavy and I drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning......

Opening my eyes, I realized I was still in the backroom but what shocked me the most was Jackson was still here too.

His arms draped around my body securing me in place. I lift one slowly trying to get out of his grasp but it alarmed him and he woke up within seconds.

"Hey" I said he still say thing just say up completely

"What time is it" he spoke hastily

"Well good morning to you too"

"Uhhh, yah I got to go" he placed himself on his feet and gathered up the rest of his belongings.

Once he grabbed the door knob, he turned around towards me, look dead into my eyes and spoke "Can we keep this private, I wouldn't want Marcy to think anything" before I could respond back he opened the door widely and walked through without even a


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