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"Hey did you know where Apollo ran off too"

"Did? You mean do?" some random girl stated

"Yah. Do? Wait hold up what's wrong with did?" I spoke

"Did is past tense, so it wouldn't make sense" she smiled hold a try in her hand

"Is that so?" Crossing my arms and letting one rub under my chin

" yup" she answered. She was so beautiful one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, and her brain spoke louder than her beauty.

I didn't realize I was gazing so hard until she waved her hand across my eyes making me snap out of it.

"Hey are you okay" eyes becoming wider and her small hand placed the try on a near by table before connecting it with my shoulder "yeah I'm great"

"Oh okay, I was kinda worried you zoned out for awhile" a smile growing upon her lips

"Yah, I just just think"

"Okay no problem, but I really have to get back to work it was nice to meet you......

"Oh oh oh oh, it's Mickey"

"Mickey, I like that" she stated before walking away collecting empty glasses and plates.

When I started heading towards the back I seen Jackson closing the door behind him, stop, and rubbed a finger over his bottom lip.

I knew what it meant, but I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe the person I call my brother, other half, and best friend really kissed the girl I liked.

So when he started getting closer, i breathed in and out, and ask had he seen Apollo.

"Yeah. She's in the back Mickey."

"Okay I'll catch you later" I said walking past him.

I approached the door opened it and found Apollo facing the wall. She looked so sad, and I ran an embraced her in a hug forgetting my previous suspicion.

She cried hard. She looked so broken and I didn't know how to fix it.

"Can I take you somewhere" i whispered in her ear

Apollo shook her head yes and walked with her out the backroom.

As we headed towards the clubs main all eyes were on us. It didn't faze me but I could tell Apollo hated being the center of attention. So I pulled her close letting her bury head in my side while I guided us out the club and away from everybody.

Once we reached my car, we hopped in and I pulled onto the street speeding to our next destination.
"Hey where here Apollo" I shook her a little

"Hi" she spoke sweetly, a grin spreading onto her lips.

"Hi. You ready to hop out" returning the smile

"Yeah, so where are we"

"It's a secret, so come here" she hesitated for a second and walked over towards Mickey

He wrapped his hands around her eyes guiding her towards his favorite place.

When he felt that he was satisfied with their position he removed his hands. Apollo's eyes grew stoned at the beautiful sight

Their was a beautiful waterfall, surrounded by a huge field over grass and wild flowers. Apollo never seen anything like it before, and at that moment she couldn't help but smile.

"You like it"

"I love it" she spoke, still staring at the waterfall "how did you even find this place"

"My mom" he said stopping after

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know" she turned towards him place her soft hand upon his left side cheek

"It's okay, not many people do....shit actually only Jackson does"

"I can't imagine what you went through"

"I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy" sighing after

"I hope not, that's a pain unbearably"

"Exactly." The mood drifted off so Mickey grabbed her hand, walked her to the edge of the lake an pushed her in.

"OMG! really Mickey" she laughed "your so lucky I can swim"

"Actually I'm not we would've had to play damsel in distress" he smirked taking his shirt off, showing his six pact that Apollo couldn't take her eyes off of.

Mickey notice and began teasing her
"You must like what you see" she avoided eye contact "huh" she tried palyinf off "I see the drool dripping from you mouth" he said body now in the water.

"Oh shut up" she splashed at him

"Unt unt, don't tell me to shut up"
"You know you like it"
He swam towards her capturing her into his arms "its okay Apollo, it'll soon be all yours" he then latched his lips onto hers.

She pulled splashing him again, then mouth "bet you can't catch me big head" in which he gladly challenged

Back at the club.....

Jackson walked towards he's dads office so he could tell him he was leaving soon, but what he heard immediately shocked him "Hone I just don't know what to do anymore" "........" his mom spoke on the phone

"So it's settled we have to close the club—
Jackson barged in before his dad could finish his phone call screaming

"What do you mean the club is closing"

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