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"Wait.... so what happened " Ruri spoke through the phone.

At this moment, Im 10 minutes into my break for work and I was now explaining to Ruri the situation that happen between Jackson and I.

"Really Ruri how many times I have to tell you" smh while the phone was plastered to my ear.

"A lot. So my brain can process this information"

" HE SPOKE TO ME! That's mainly it"

"OKAY! So what are you guys doing now"

" Well currently I'm snacking on some chips, watching a movie, and talking shit to you" I say pausing at every detail for effect while giggling

Ruri thought it was funny to cause she couldn't stop laughing at my extra ness

"Girl you need to stop, but anyways ima let you get back boo, call me when your done with slaving I should be up"

"No problem, loves ya babes"

"Loves yah too" she spoke right before clicking the end call button

Not long after, Jackson walked into the break room looking very mad and irritated. I wanted to know what the problem was but I didn't wanna overstep my boundaries and be all his personal business.

So when he began pacing the room back-and-forth my stupid anxiety kicked in, and I blurted out "can you stop that"

"What?" He said stopping his pacing and facing me with the most confused look on his face. I didn't know what was going on with him but something about his demeanor concerned me.

" I said could you stop that" I whispered

" we've went through this I can't hear what your saying my love"

I swallowed hard, lifted my head, and looked him straight in the eyes for confidence, Gods know I need it.

Then I started again, " could you please stop thought, your giving me crazy anxiety"

" Well I'm sorry that I'm bothering you but my pacing an shit does not concern you" he spoke foully and bitter

"Excuse me? I don't remember coming at your sir with this tone, so don't think for one second that you could speak to me like that!"

I was standing 5 inches apart from him, all my emotions took over and I had to set him straight, cause no one should be able to speak with a person in that manner.

"Well, damn I'm sorry. I got a lot on my mind"

" well instead of taking your anger out on me, how about you sit and talk about it I'm a good listener" crossing my arms and placing my butt back into my seat.

" I barely know you tho"

" okay, maybe next time." Once my sentence was finished I turn back towards the desk, and next thing I hear was a chair being pull and place right next to me

I was shocked and whipped my head so fast I became dizzy.

Who would have thought Jackson would be sitting and talking to me, I'm a nobody for sure.

" okay theirs this girl (of course, I stated in my head) and I've tried multiple time to get her attention right like opening the door for her, buying her flowers, having her confide in me but she never gets the memo" rubbing his hands through his hair roughly

" Okay, how about you be upfront with her an lay it all on the table. I think you have a better chance of getting your point across" reaching to touch his leg but pulled my hand back

" okay so I go up to Marcy, I tell her—

" wait hold on, Marcy? Marcy the the DJ?" I said holding up my hands with a confused expression

" yeah her" he agreed

" you know she has a boyfriend right"

" no they been, broke up I remember her telling me one night they officially ended it"

" oh okay. But yah I think it's your best bet, sometimes you just have to be blunt you know" giving him a wide smile, in which he returned before getting up an walking out of the break room

Once he left one tear slid right across my cheek. I had strong feelings for someone you had strong feelings for someone else. I wiped it away and continued my break.

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