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It's been approximately two months since the last time I seen Mickey. And since then we've been talking and texting every day. I think I'm starting to really like him, he's so sweet and treats me with so much respect.

I can honestly say I've grown to really care about him, and I'm hoping he feels the same.

He called me last night saying he was on his way down here soon and I'm just waiting for the day he shows up.

Ruri and I are back on good terms to, she forgave me a week later after I surprised her with her favorite ice cream. We are not at my hotel chilling about to go to the mall.

"Sweetie!" She yelled from the bathroom

"Yessssss!!!" I answered laying back on the pillows my eyes focused into my phone

"Do you mind if Ryn comes with us?"

"No I don't mind I miss his stupid ass too" I yelled back

"Okay he'll be here soon, so open the door when he knocks"

"Okay" trying to focus back into my phone but Ruri began blasting music in the bathroom which made it hard for me to concentrate on my crossword puzzle, so I threw my phone to the side and laid back drifting into the music

10 minutes later knocking came booming from the door.

I took my sweet time answering it cause I knew it was just Ryn and he nobody special.

I turned the door knob and was surprised at who was on the other side.

"Hey Polly you missed me" he said smiling showing his beautiful white teeth

A smile spread wide across my face. I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly not daring to let him go or the moment to end.

He hugged me back instantly, giving me one of his famous bear hugs he's told me so much about and when we pulled away I kissed him on the cheek and I pulled him into the hotel room.

" so you did miss me" he smirked placing the flowers he had in he's hand on the near by table and sat on the bed

"When did you get it" I said avoiding his question

"Unt unt don't change the subject now" he said smile catching onto my shenanigans

"Yes I missed you we haven't seen each other in forever" turning my head to avoid his eyes "now back to my previous question" averting my eyes back towards him

"A couple hours ago, I wanted to get situated before coming to see you" he sat up and pulled me towards him

"Did you see you Jackson yet?" I said genuinely curious, I haven't seen him since the hospital. I tend to go into work for my checks now since I'm on payed leave and when I get there he's never around. I don't know if he's avoiding me on purpose or if he just genuinely always busy.

"Nah not yet, I wanted to see you first"

Awww my heart hurts, why does he give me so much butterflies. It's not right!

"Awww such a simp huh" I flirted

Next thing I know Ruri is walking out the bathroom in just a towel saying "who are you talking too—" I faced palmed my head forgetting she was here "oh shit" she stormed back into the bathroom, I giggled a little and turned towards Mickey telling him to come back later.

While I opened the door for him Ryn was standing on the other side just about to knock.

"Oh now you show up" I said to Ryn

"He to you too Polly, and i missing something" he stand crossing his arms lean on the door way smirking a little

"Nope not at all, get in here Ryn" pulling by the arm "by the way she's in the bathroom"

He nodded his head and left in the direction of Ruri.

Now it was only me and Mickey left standing in a comfortable yet awkward silence. I wanted to know what was running threw his head but it was hard to read a guy like him.

He had a lot of walls up, not like me though. He's walls were extra tight I had no idea why, but I wanted to know I wanted to be the girl you convinced him to let all he's worries go and one day I hope I will be.

"So what now" I asked

"Well, I'm going to let you go hang out with your friends and you give me a call later, how does that sound" he spoked

"Perfect." I grinned a little, he kissed me on my cheek before leaving closing the door behind him.

I let go of the breathe I didn't know o was holding and when I turnt around heading back towards my bed Ryn and Ruri was standing right behind me.

I rolled my eyes, walking passed them saying "don't even ask I know what you guys are doing"

"But we so want to" Ruri murmured

"I see why you guys are together" 

"What you mean" Ryn said, he faced was plastered with a confused expression

"You guys act exactly alike, it's cute but weird" I said sitting on my bed

"For real I never noticed" Ruri said leaning into Ryn

"Yup" I said popping the "p" extra hard

"Don't mind her babes you are adorable" Ryn said turning Ruri's to him and kissing her softly

"Ewwwwww get a room" I said throwing my pillow at them, in which both of the dodged it

"Gotta be quicker than that" Ruri joked

"Gotta be thicker than that" I remarked

Me and Ryn fell into a fit of laughter. Ruri started pouting it was so cute, my poor best friend.

"Ahhh come on baby don't me like that" Ryn said trying to comfort her

"Yah yah yah, kiss my ass both of you" she smiled.

We both got up running over to her planting two wet kisses on each side of her cheeks so she would feel better.

For us to all be so close, is wonderful not many can say they have friendships like that an I'm honestly happy that I get to share a friendship with 2 amazing chumps.

Please excuse the errors❤️

JacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora