Chapter 3: The Mysteries about the Crows-Part 1

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Act 1: Children Listening to the Adults Conversation

In Heaven's bedroom, Heaven has entered her room with Raylynn and the prince to company her. "Sorry about the mess," Heaven apologized as she saw her floor is full of feathers from this morning.

"No need," the prince didn't turn to her.

"It has stated the true you," said Raylynn.

"Thanks," Heaven closed the door.

"I don't get it," the prince is furious. "Why didn't they tell me before this?"

"They somehow have a reason," Raylynn calms him with a smile. Suddenly, the prince has remained calm.

"But I only wished that...we could know what they are talking about," the prince looks down to the floor.

"I'm way ahead of you," Heaven moved to the wall, open the air vent and started to listen. Suddenly everyone has begun to hear voices,

"Now what is this all about Fakir?" Mytho's voice asked, then Raylynn and the prince tiptoed to the vent and they too begun to listen to their conversation.

"An old friend of mine has come to our house today," Fakir voice began. "He was trying to warns us about the numbers of crows that are coming back to our town,"

"Crows?" they both asked him and the sounds of their voices that they might have been jumped,

"Yes, and he believed that the Raven is coming back from the dead once again...I can tell that in his voice though, not in real words."

"But that's impossible," Miss Rue's voice protested. "We have destroyed that monster many years ago,"

"Uh-huh," Duck's voice quacked in reply. "And what about the incident around ten years ago? This there any symbolize?"

"I don't know," Mytho's voice replied. "But if the Raven does come back, there must be a flock of crows surrounding a building or a place so they can stand guarded in."

"If not," Miss Rue's voice adds in. "There might be a possibility that a less numbers of crows might be escorting, watch out or body guards for the Raven itself when it's in public."

"Might be," Fakir's voice sounds like he is agreeing to Miss Rue.

"But..." Duck's voice quacked, "What shall we do if he spokes the truth?"

"Looks like we might have to conceal or prepare the ceremony of marriage early...before it could happen," said Mytho.

"Are you sure about this?" Miss Rue's voice asked him, "What are we supposed to tell to our son? You and I both know that he won't agree with us about this,"

"Yes, I know that...but...I am trying to do what it's best for him and our future. But if the Raven is back and on the lose...I can only hope that he will have a family before anything could happens to me or anyone of us."

"Oh my love,"

"I see," said Fakir's voice. "Your decision has been made?" it is silent for a moment.

Before Mytho's voice could speak any more, Heaven looked at the prince. She can tell that he is still angry with his father as he still listening to the voices in the air vent. So she doesn't say anything, she just continues to listen with the rest of them.

While Raylynn, the prince and Heaven are listening to the voices. Mytho's voice continues, "Yes," he answered. "That is my decision," before they could talk anymore.

"Close the vent," the prince whispered and Heaven has closed the air vent. Then everything has become quiet for a while.

The Prince and the Raven ~ Book 1: The AwakeningDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora