Chapter 16: Renesmee's Absence-Part 3

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Act 3: Nyroc's Treason and A New Captain Chosen

At the Kingdom of Crowville, Renesmee has appeared and her clothes has transformed back to her royal clothes and everything. Then she has started to head to her room.

Before she could go, she saw Coryn, a figure of a body with a dagger sticking out with bed covers on it. She sniffed the air, she smelled no blood. "Coryn," she said. "I've got three questions to ask you,"

"What is it?" Coryn asked,

"What is this?" she pointed at the figure, "Why is my bed cover is out here? And are you supposed to guard the prince?"

"I'll explain but would you just..."

"Where's your father?" Renesmee interrupted him, "I like to talk to him about..."

"That's the thing," he interrupted her. "It is about my dad, but I need you to just to listen to me for one second."

"Hmm," Renesmee can see fire in Coryn's eyes then she sighed. "Alright, you've got my attention. So what is it then?"

"You see," Coryn begun. "Since my father left your room, he barked at me to tell me that practice was canceled."

"Coryn, he always barks at everyone."

"Except when he's around me or you," Coryn looks down. "I've never seen him like that so I followed him," then Renesmee sat down on the stairs.

"Go on," Renesmee allows him to speak more.

"So I've followed him to the Dead Garden," he continues. "I'd over heard him that he was making a plot to to kill the prince when you are not around,"

"What?" Renesmee stood up, "Are you sure that you heard him right?"

"Yes, I did." Coryn nodded, "While he was thinking, I snuck away and go warn you. But when you put me in charge, I have to do something right for my job."

"Like what?"

"When you are gone, I asked the crow to bring the practice dummy in the princes' place so it could fool my father. And I have also asked him to bring two Crow Soldiers and capture him,"

"What about the prince?"

"I'd moved him to my nest so his scent would be concealed with mine. When I got back, I saw two Crows Soldiers holding onto my father and when I looked at the bed. I had thought that he has took the bait, and I told them to put my father in the bird cage and wait for you to come back."

"What about my bed and the prince?"

"I asked the crow to move the covers and the dummy off of the bed and replace it with new ones. Once it's finished, I'd brought the prince back into the room and helped him to get back onto the bed." Coryn looks down again, "I know that I am not supposed to move the prince without your permission, but I thought that I was doing the right thing."

"And you did,"

"Huh?" he looks at her,

"You thought bravely and quickly to do what's right for your job that I put you in charge of," she puts her hand on his shoulder. "That proofs that you are a true warrior from within,"

"Thank you for listening to me,"

"Your welcome, but bring your father to the Throne Room. I'll do the rest, but first, I'd better put this up."

"What is it?"

"A friend," she grabs the cage. "Make sure you also bring evidence and the once that you asked for help with and also yourself."

The Prince and the Raven ~ Book 1: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now