Chapter 19: Ultimate Battle-Part 2

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Act 2: The Raven's Blood Awakens!

Far from camp; Mytho, Fakir and the men are following the crows. When they stopped, they are the flock of crows and crow army that are armed and they are facing them. "What?" Fakir is confused, but on a platue. A black dust has surrounded the area and Renesmee has appeared.

"Renesmee," Mytho growled.

"Hello king and writer," Renesmee have brought out an evil smile. "It's a surprise to see you all at so close to our territory,"

"Where is my son?" Mytho asked,

"And where's my daughter?" Fakir asked,

"They are both alive," Renesmee begun to answer. "Heaven is staying where she is right now so she looks after the prince while his recovering,"

"Recovering...that means..." Fakir is surprised as he soon realized,

"That means that my son is still very much alive but wounded," Mytho has too figured out.

"That is correct," Renesmee giggled. "Now it's time for you to pay the price to cross our boarder! Nightwind!" Nightwind stood up, drew his sword.

"Right, ready men!" Mytho summoned his sword, "Derik, watch Fakir's back."

"Yes sir," Derik answered. Then he went to Fakir's side as Fakir grabbed his book, pen and ink as he's too ready.

Fakir, Mytho thought. I hope that you can be able to write, as he waits for the right moment to attack. Nightwind waved his sword forwards, then the crow soldiers has charged. "Go!" then Mytho and his men has too charged suddenly the battle has begun.

While the battle has begun, Mytho has fallen off of his horse from his first blow. But he has gotten back up to his feet and he keeps going, I must get to Renesmee, Mytho thought. There that must end, he keeps on going 'till he gets to his target.

To Nightwind, he was having a sword battle on the field. Suddenly, he smelled his fathers' scent right next to him. "Nightwind," his fathers' voice whispered to his ear. "Our master is in danger; you must stop his writer."

His writer? Nightwind thought,

"The kings' friend; Fakir." Nightwind looks at the corner of his eye, "He has the power to write things into reality and he is giving the king the strength to end the battle."

To end the battle...then Nightwind jumped, "Ma 'Lady!" he turned; he saw Mytho is heading towards Renesmee's location.

"That's right, so you must end the writers' life."

No, I must protect our master. He grinned as he has started to run,


'Cause...we'll lose her life if I do, his father didn't argue back but listened ...and...the prince will never forgive me if I abandoned her, so I have to...

"I see," then his fathers' scent has grown fainted as he heads Renesmee's side.

When he appeared to Renesmee's side, she is stunned for a moment. "Nightwind?" Renesmee asked, before she could ask him anymore. Nightwind went to her side and faced forward as someone is coming to their way.

When Mytho has got to the platu, he can see Nightwind is standing at Renesmee's side. "Let me guess," Mytho spoke. "You're Nyroc's son, Coryn."

"That was my apprentice name, now I am a warrior with a new name...and that is Nightwind now!" Nightwind corrected him,

"Where's Nyroc?"

The Prince and the Raven ~ Book 1: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now