Chapter 24: We Are One-Part 3

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Act 3: Announcements!!

At moon high; in throne room, Renesmee is standing at the throne stairs. "Let all birds old enough to fetch their own prey to gather around in the throne room!" she called out, suddenly all of the crows has gathered around.

The crows looked at Renesmee's clothes, they are surprised of the style that she is wearing. But yet, no crow has a gizzard to ask her. All they could do is to listen for what she has to say.

While everything is quiet, Renesmee cleared her throat. "I have announcement to make," she begun. "The time has come to let you all know that I am already married to our new King of Crows."

The crows muttered a little bit and they stopped and listened more.

"I, Renesmee Queen of Crows introduce you to my husband as our king." Then her king has come forth, "Mytho the King of Crows!"

The crows cheered and bowed to him so they could welcome there new leader.

"Of you all must know," the king begun. "Renesmee and I got married in secret so my father as our mortal enemy must never know."

The crows muttered and they got quiet again,

"The only witnesses is Nightwind,"

"And Heaven the Duck that is my friend in the Human World," Renesmee adds in.

"That's why we put Crowflight in charge while we were gone for this night upon us," Nightwind explained.

"Yes," Renesmee agreed. "Now we got a strong leader beside us, the enemy will no longer can stop us now."

"Yes, because we will vanquish him first before he vanquish us." The king agrees, "So are you ready to battle them again and take our triumph? Or go down to become crowfood?"

"Battle! Battle!" the crows cheered this answered,

Renesmee chuckled, "Then let our Hunting Games begin!"

The crows cheered and get ready for their battle of the future.

The Prince and the Raven ~ Book 1: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now