Chapter 8: Battle-Part 2

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Day 2: Offering Secretly

The woman is shaking in fear as Nyroc has come to her closely, he kneeled to her level. "If you want to grab the..." before Nyroc could finished, someone has thrown a rock at his hand. "Ow..." he turned. He saw a little boy that was holding another rock in his hand and he is showing fear and anger within his eyes. "A little brave boy is he?" Nyroc stood up. "Coryn, take care of him for me."

"With pleasure," the smallest one has almost a boys' voice has grabbed a knife and started to attack the boy.

The boy gasped as she dropped the rock and started to run as Coryn went after him. While they are gone, the streets have become quiet again. Nyroc turns to the woman once again,

"Now," he said. "Where were we?" the woman was ready to scream, but they have heard another noise on the ground and it has suddenly stopped Nyroc. "Now what?" he looks around as he stood up with one glance. He saw Heaven, the prince and Deacon underneath the table.

Uh-oh, Heaven thought.

"They have spotted us!" Deacon held his book,

"Well, well, well," Nyroc crooked a smile. "This is a big surprise,"

All of the sudden, the other person in the black cloak has turned around and lightly gasped as the person recognized one of them. Suddenly the woman has got up and ran away,

"Hmph, our practice pray has escaped. Perhaps," he waved his hand and the flock of crows appeared. "We can have them as prisoners to go along with the deal," he commanded the crows to attack. Deacon grabbed Heaven's wrist again,

"Run for it," Deacon shouted as the three of them has begun to run and the flock of crows chasing them.

While they are beginning to being chased, Nyroc and the person in the black cloak are alone. "Well," said Nyroc. "Let's go find another pray to...huh," when he turned around. The person was not with him anymore, all that he could find is a crows feather, lying on the ground. Nyroc slowly and lightly growled, "Typical," then he jumped onto the roof tops and started to run so he could go look for them.

Down on the streets; Heaven, Deacon and the prince are still running. Until they have come to a fork in a road, "Which way?" Heaven asked as she's' out of breath, the prince still listens to the sound behind them. He can hear the crows are still following them and they are coming even closer to them. Suddenly, he has an idea.

"You guys go to that away," he pointed to the right. "I'll take this one while I distract them,"

"What?" Heaven jumped,

"Are you crazy?" Deacon asked him,

"It's the only way, just trust me." The prince answered as the crows has become a lot closer, "Now go and hurry," then they both have begun to run again and the prince turns to the crows. When the crows saw him, he growled at them. "If you want my heart," he shouted his growl. "Come and get it," then he ran to his left and ran down hill. All of the sudden, the flock of crows has flown after him.

While he is running, the prince is almost out of breath and he is trying to figure out away to get away from the crows. Suddenly, someone has grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shadows of the alley. The person has let go of his arm, held onto his chest and pushed him against a wall of the building. "Wh-what the...?" he spoke,

"Shh..." the same person in the black cloak that he saw earlier has hushed at him. The person lean against the prince, so they could blend into the shadows. While they both have become very quiet, the crows kept on going straight; down the hill. Never paying attention to their right or left of their side of the heads and they have vanished out of sight.

The Prince and the Raven ~ Book 1: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now