Chapter 13: Confusion-Part 2

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Act 2: Renesmee's Important/Difficult Decision!!

In the dining hall, Coryn and Nyroc are finishing eating their breakfast. To Nyroc; he can still smell the human blood scent in the air, but it is very faint. He wants to ask Renesmee about it, but he has to talk to her in person and in private. So he waits for her to come into the dining hall, so she too could eat.

Suddenly, a crow flew in and landed on a chair. "Kaw," it said. "Kaw, kaw,"

"Hmm..." Nyroc looks at the crow, "Well, what is it then?"

"Kaw, kaw," it answered. "Kaw, kaw, kaw,"

"Our queen won't come to speak with me," Nyroc stood up. "And she told you to tell me that if I have to talk to her...I must go to her instead?"

"Kaw, kaw," the crow nodded.

"Well that is the first," Nyroc scratch his chin as he saw a tray that holds two apple oatmeal with honey drizzle on it, four bacon stripes and two glasses of water appeared on the table. "What's that?"

"It's for our queen, father." Coryn answered,

Nyroc looks at his son, "Then why is there two servings on the tray?"

"Oh that will find out yourself when you go in there."

"Coryn?" Nyroc growled at him,

"Well...umm...she has a guest in her room,"

"A guest? What guest?" then Coryn picks up the tray, turned to his father.

"You should go ask her yourself," Coryn answered. "Then she'll show and explain why to you," then they both have started to head towards Renesmee's bedroom.

At Renesmee's bedroom, she is wearing a black robe to cover herself and she is starting to fluff some of the pillows. Then she gently scoops the princes' head, lifted it up and put the pillow underneath his head, then she gently settle his head down so it could lay on it. Then Renesmee has sat down right next to him, "Don't worry my prince," she spoke to him softly. "Our brunch will be here at any moment now, and I'll help you to get fed. I promise," then someone knocks the door. "Come in," she ordered as she turned to the door then the door opens.

When the door is open, she sniffed the air that is filled with familiar scents coming in. "Good morning Coryn," Renesmee smiled. "Good morning Nyroc,"

"Morning Ma 'Lady," Coryn replied as he bowed his head and walked forward. "I've brought you yours' and his breakfast/lunch,"

"Thank you Coryn," Renesmee bowed her head lightly. "You may put the tray on the dresser," then Coryn put it down. All of the sudden, Coryn and Renesmee smelled fear in the air.

"Impossible!" Nyroc's voice barked as they turned to him, "Why is that human prince is here?" Nyroc points at the prince in Renesmee's bed,

Renesmee sighed, "Coryn," she stood up. "Would you give us a moment? I like to talk to your father in private,"

"Oh," Coryn suddenly understood. "Of course," he bowed to her and he went pass his father. "I will wait for you at Training Hall father,"

"Alright then," Nyroc replied and Coryn closed the door, and he left his father and Renesmee alone while the prince is still in bed.

While they are alone, Nyroc growled. "What is he doing here anyway?" Nyroc asked,

"He's recovering from his injury of course," Renesmee answered.

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