Chapter 14

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Unknown POV

"Dammit. Why was that abomination with the wolves." I said as I slammed the table. "My lord, Please calm down. She won't be able to live long anyways I have sent my top assassins after her." my right-hand man spoke. "We need to proceed with the plan and kidnap the moon child." one of the lords said. I smirked. Leah Hunt, How much longer will you be able to protect them? I am coming for you LEAH HUNT.

Leah's POV

"Reinforcements?" one of the elders asked. "Yes. Just like the Legion of Terror, we also have allies called The First Accord. Our allies consist of Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Angels, Mermaids, Fairies, Dragons, Witches/ Warlocks, Dwarves, and Light Elves." I stopped and let them think about it for a moment. "So you're saying that besides us there are nine other species and they are our allies?" William questioned. "Yes, You do not know this information or more like forgotten is because we haven't had a meeting for a thousand years. Werewolves tend to have a small lifeline whereas the others live for quite a long time compared to werewolves plus they don't live near humans like the wolves." I said. "How are we going to get into contact with them?" The Queen asked. "I will write a letter explaining everything that is going on and we set a meeting date for next week. They will come from their individual portals that connect everyone. There must be one here too. The meeting will be held here at the palace since it is convenient for everyone." I said. After discussing some more we finally finished our meeting. 

(This sigil is for "The First Accord")

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(This sigil is for "The First Accord")

(This sigil is for "The Legion of Terror")

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(This sigil is for "The Legion of Terror")

I met my friends at the entrance ready to go home and sleep. We've had a long day. Just as I was about to sit in the car, Thomas called my name. I looked back and saw him with a sad face. "What do you want?" Dora said in a threatening voice. "Can I talk to you?" He said looking at me. I nodded and Dora tried to stop me but I shook my head. "You guys go ahead. I'll be right there." I said and left with him. We reached the waterfall. "What do you want to say?" I asked. "I'm sorry. I was a dick to you. You deserve so much better than me. As a mate, I have failed you. Will you forgive me." He said. I was getting furious thinking about the pain he caused me yesterday. "No. Are you saying this because I am not a weak human like you thought I was?" I yelled at him. He wanted to say something but I stopped him. "Stop. I don't want to hear your excuses. Do you think that I am like other girls? Don't forget I am a demon. I am not like others who will swoon at the sight of your smile or worship the path you walk on. I gave you my trust and you broke it." at this point I was practically screaming at him with tears in my eyes. He looked so guilty which almost made me forgive him. No Leah. You are not getting weak here. With one last look, I left. 

By the time I got home, I had a very bad headache. Lilly was waiting for me in the living room. I crouched to her height and hugged her. She put her hand on my cheeks and smiled at me. For a while, my headache seems to have disappeared. I quickly showered since I had blood all over me and I was stinking. The hot shower really helped me calm down. The twins, Lilly, and Mary were ready at the table to have dinner. We all talked about today and discussing the security of the Royals that were gonna come to the meeting. Lilly came to my room. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "Can I sleep with you today mommy?" She asked. "Sure baby. Come let's sleep." I said and we cuddled to sleep.

In the next few days, I was busy writing letters and explaining the situation to them. I also called my RDS (Red Demon Shadow) for extra security which I could tell the pack members were not happy about. I went to the royal palace almost every day to discuss the plans and maintaining the portal which was behind the waterfall. 

By next week I was exhausted and all the royals were coming tomorrow. I need a break. It was after school and I took Lilly on a shopping spree. She was super excited. The twins, Tedd, Lilly, and I went to the nearest mall. Tedd came here for the meeting tomorrow. I bought a bunch of dresses and toys for Lilly. She was really happy. I got a couple of gifts for Mary too. Tedd forced me to wear some dresses and bought me a few. I was starving by the time we finished. We had a pizza and a few sodas. 

As we were leaving the mall, I had a bad feeling. Somebody was following us. I gave the twins a look and everybody was on full alert. We drove towards the forest leading them away from the humans. I asked Lilly to stay in the car and put a protective barrier around it. The twins were hiding and ready to ambush them. I was waiting for them to attack. I felt a few knives coming my way and we could locate their position. There were about five assassins. The twins immediately killed two of them and the other three came at me at the same time. They were trained demons and I had to leave one alive so we could interrogate him. These pesky traitors have the guts to betray their master. I'll never forgive them for this. In a swift, I took my gun out and shot two of them in the head. The last one stopped in his tracks and I could see the fear in his eyes. I could feel the pleasure of his fear in my body. I smiled at him and his face went pale. He got down on his knee. "My lord, Please forgive me." At this point, he was sobbing like a child. This made me happier, I wanted to feel his despair and hopelessness. " Oh my. Why are you crying?" I said in an innocent voice. "I have betrayed you and the lord." He said in a cracked voice. "Do you know what we do to traitors like you?" I asked. He was sweating and having a full-blown panic attack. "I love torturing traitors. Makes me feel alive." I said as I pointed a dagger at his neck. "Now tell me who gave you the order to assassinate me?" I asked. "I don't know my lord, I was just following orders. But I overheard one of my superiors that this order was given by a high ranking demon. That's all I know my lord. Please spare me." He begged. "Very well. You have fulfilled your purpose. Now Goodbye." I said as I slit his throat. The twins got rid of the bodies. I had blood all over me. I don't want to scare Lilly with my demon side. 

She was looking at me with nothing but admiration and love in her eyes. I stopped in my tracks as I looked at this beautiful child and how she had love for me as I killed. I had tears in my eyes. I undid the seal and she ran towards me and hugged me. "Mom you were awesome. You are my hero." She said. I smiled at her and we drove home. After explaining the situation to Mary, I quickly took a shower and called Julia Crow (Captain of RDS) and Tobias Thorne (captain of YDS) to my office. We discussed all the security measures for tomorrow and they left. I was sitting there thinking about how to convince everyone. I sighed. This is so troublesome. I got up and took all weapons out. I smiled. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. 

Hey Lovies,

It has been a long time since I updated. Hope everyone is safe during this pandemic.  If you are liking the story so far, don't be shy and let me know. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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