21. The Elite

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As the guy tightened his grip on Izukus shoulder, Izuku flexed his muscles to increase his pain tolerance at the moment. But to no avail. The man just tightened his grip even more and picked him up with one hand. He casually proceeded to throw him at the bigger guy, as he screamed.

"THIS GETS BORING LIKE THAT !!" The big guy catched Izuku with his huge hands and grabbed both his legs in one and his arms in the other. He held him up into the air and then slammed him down on his knee repeatedly. Izuku screamed in agonizing pain. In the end the two figures were dealing pretty fast with Izuku and then the big guy grabbed his hairs and started kicking his face.

Izuku just hung there, completely motionless, emotionless.

But then Izuku chose to step up the game a bit.

He asked the guys something "H-How-" the Big guy interrupted him "OHOHOHOHO SO YOU ARE STILL ALIVE!!! I thought I would have killed you already! Goood...GOOD SO I CAN PLAY WITH YOU MORE !!!!" Izuku wasn't so fond of his interruption and spoke further, through his beating. "I-I don't like when- urgh I get interrupted...Also Im going to play with you now-" "Wha-" Before the Big Guy could awnser Izuku twisted his arm nearly breaking it.

"WHAT THE-!!" Izuku had golden hair and he emitted a golden Aura. He decided to go Super Saiyan. What made him make that desicion he himself didn't knew, but together with 20% of OFA he thought he could beat them.

He stood there, tall and proud of his Super saiyan. But the two men were not impressed, they much rather were happy to see him do this. The small guy exclaimed with huge joy "Finally! Took ya' long enough!!"

The big guy had more Respect, even when he was happy....probably to crush him. 'How can they be so confident !? I nearly broke this guys arm....don't say.....he thought I was to weak to actually be able to do this!!?'

"THEN LET THE PARTY FINALLY START!!!" as the big guy was charging at Izuku, the small guy in the mean time extended his arms as a purple sphere appeared in his hands and Izuku realised even though going super saiyan he was pretty fucked in that situation. So he dipped it right then and there. He jumped into the air and the spheres missed their target . So the big guy had to tank them instead. The guys cloak was pretty messed up but it still didn't gave away his identity. But Izuku managed to see-

The two guys screamed at each other but Izuku interrupted them
"Well its not my fault that a certain stupid, only brawns no brains dude always has to rush their opponents, WITHOUT FUCKING THINKING !!!"

"Ehhhmmm.......Im sorry to interrupt your little relationship fight down there....but if Im correct, you two are only after me. So could we most likely first change locations. I don't feel like going full out in those cramped alleyways. So what will it be...You two lovebirds fighting,or us going all out in an awesome fight?"

The dudes went back on being silent and decided they would just follow Izuku to a more fitting spot to fight. After some minutes of flying. Well Izuku was pretty shocked they could also fly but he just accepted it for now. He would ask them after he dealt with them. He ended up in some park. It was pretty big and no one was around at the Park at this late hour. They would have all of the space for themselves and brawl it out.

"So you two should take turns fighting me
I guess, because the other apparently would only slow down the other...am I right ?"
'Thats good if they decide to fight alone I can go and go all out on one target. I will just throw everything I have into the punches and in the mean time I will be pulling my speed. For the small one I'll do the opposite. So i can use my energy more efficient right now....I don't want to end up like against the Nomu.....burning and broken..'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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