Chapter 13 - It was just a kiss

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I felt like a deer caught in the headlights as I made the walk of shame back into the house behind Gio. Angelo and Drake stood looking morose, while Georgio looked as smug as the cat who had eaten the canary. I just knew that Georgio was itching to rip out his gun and shoot me right there on the spot. Quickly, I made a beeline for the stairs,  with the hope to avoid any and all conversation, but of course Georgio was absolutely not going allow that. Sadist. "Ganessa, Giovanni and Angelo, may I have a word," he requested calmly as my foot hovered over the first step and my hand gripped the banister for support. My brain fought with itself as I debated my odds of making it up the stairs before a bullet clipped me. The odds weren't great.

A hand touched the small of my back and I jumped before looking back at Gio, who was now gently ushering me away from the stairs and into the sitting room with the others. My chances for freedom diminished with each step we took. I decided to take a seat near the fireplace. My seat was the farthest I could get from everyone in the room, but the closest to the door, should I have the need to run for my life. A servant brought out a tray with four glasses of amber liquid, of course my hand shook as I thanked the woman and grabbed my drink from the tray. The seconds ticked by and I felt like a bomb was about to go off as we waited with baited breath for Georgio to speak. "Now, I am a reasonable man," the patriarch finally began.

Reasonable my ass!

I had to refrain from snorting and instead I merely nodded my head in agreement and sipped my drink. Clearly I didn't believe that statement at all, but disagreeing with him now would only lead to certain death and well, I was fond of living. So, keeping my mouth occupied, I instead just sipped on my drink. "I care about my boys," he then said as he stared directly at me, making my skin break out in unattractive goosebumps. "If they get hurt, it is my job, as their father, to see how I can fix that hurt," he then continued as he moved his head to look between the three of us.

I didn't dare break eye contact with him when he got back to me, because if I did I would look guilty, so I instead just nodded slowly in accordance with him. "Now, you seem to be the source of pain for not one, but two of my boys," he then stated, making my brows furrow. Does he really think Gio was hurt? His son wasn't that great of an actor.

The room was silent for a moment as Georgio stared vehemently at me, probably waiting for me to say something. I was about to open my mouth, but I was beat to the punch. "Father, I kissed Ganessa," Angelo then stated, making Georgio break eye contact with me and bring it over to his youngest son.

He was staring at his son, yet I could feel his anger radiating from him to me. "I'm aware at what had transpired between the two of you. However, what I want to know is, how did this rendezvous happen? Was it planned and you both just thought you could hide it from me and Giovanni," he then replied in a cool, angry tone.

Gio chuckled quietly into his glass, but remained mostly silent. Prick. "Sir, I assure you that I was just getting some hot cocoa to help me sleep. I honestly had no idea anyone else was even awake," I stated flatly, because it was the truth.

Georgio looked back at me again and he saw the sincerity in my eyes, at least I thought he did. His gaze of scrutiny traveled around the room once again before landing on Gio. "Well, what are we going to do, son? Certainly I will not have a floozy living under my roof thinking she can toy around with my sons and their emotions," he stated to his son.

His words were harsh and like a hard slap to the face. There was no way in hell I was going to let him, or any man for that matter, talk about me in such a manner. "Excuse me what did you just-," I began as I hastily jumped up from my seat, ready to fight the elder Corvello, but Gio looked over at me and shook his head gently, as if silently saying he would take care of it. For some odd reason I took his silent advice and dropped back into my seat quietly, silently swilling my drink instead with my eyes narrowed at Georgio.

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