Chapter 47: Remember Remember

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Episode Transcript provided by Ariane DeVere/Callie Sullivan

This entire scene was hard to write. So I'm sorry if it is bad.


It was a text that alerted Mary Morstan. A text from an anonymous sender.

"Oh, Mrs. Hudson," Mary said to the landlady who had opened the front door. Mary gently pushed her way in and started to walk up the stairs to 221b. "Sorry, I think someone's got John,"

"Hang on, who are you?" Mrs. Hudson asked.

"Oh, I'm his fiancée," Mary replied, earning a smile from Mrs. Hudson.

"Mary? What's wrong?" Sherlock asked from the landing, take away in his hand.

Mary took out her phone from her pocket and showed the text to Sherlock. "Someone sent me this. At first, I thought it was just spam, but it's not. It's a skip-code,"

Sherlock looked at Mary closely for a second before turning his attention back to the phone.

Save souls now!

John or James Watson?

"First word, then every third," Mary explained.

Saint or Sinner?

James or John?

The more is Less?

"Save John Watson, Saint James the Less," she continued.

Sherlock dropped his bag of chips to the ground and raced down the stairs and onto the street with Mary following shortly after. "We have to go, now!"

"Where are we going?"

"St. James the Less. It's a church. Twenty minutes by car,"

"Did you drive here?"


He began to pace in the middle of the road. "It's too slow,"

"Sherlock, what are we waiting for?"

Sherlock looked up at the sight of an approaching motorcycle. "This,"

As the two sped through central London on the motorcycle, Mary's phone rang again.

Getting Warmer Mr. Holmes

You have about ten minutes

What a shame

Mr. Holmes.

John is quite a Guy

"What does it mean? What are they going to do to him?" Mary asked as she held the phone over Sherlock's shoulder.

"Oh my God" Sherlock exclaimed as he accelerated the bike towards the bonfire in the park. "Jump off," He instructed.

Mary quickly hopped off the bike as he dropped it onto its side. Sherlock removed his helmet and raced to the fire, shoving onlookers out of the way. Mary followed him, screaming for her fiance. Sherlock crouched down and peered through the flames while also throwing some wood aside.

"Help!" John yelled out, finally able to find his voice.

Hearing John's voice, Sherlock and Mary began to remove pieces of wood to create a path until they were able to see John's body. Sherlock reached in and pulled the doctor out as the crowd watched in horror. John lied on the ground beside Sherlock and Mary, groaning.

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