Chapter 11

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Remember: the cinnamon roll is capable of killing.

I was playing as denki in among us a a Bakugou joined- (ok I know you guys don't wanna hear about me so anyways)

-next day-

Todoroki P.O.V

Yesterday Bakugou never actually came back, I was getting worried for him, some other people were worried while most of them thought it was nothing. Where did he go late at night though? It's true no one is supposed to go out after curfew, but that's been dropped more because we caught the traitor I guess. Even though he is probably fine I can't help but worry, what was this feeling l had for him . (So you know what gay thoughts are but you don't know you like him-) Aizawa already told the class that Bakugou was missing.

~Time skip by THE NURSE ALWAYS GIVING YOU ICE PACKS~ (my leg is broken; HeRe HaVe An IcE pAcK)

After school I just walked to clear my mind. (I wish it was that easy-) hearing screams for help near the store. What could be going on? I start running to the store nearby. Only to freeze at what I saw. No, how could I let this happen to him. It was Bakugou, he was laying on the concrete by the store, and not in a good shape. Running up to him I pick him up.
"Hey.. Baku?" I speak softly trying to wake him up, I needed to know who did this. Shaking him softly I saw that he was starting to wake up. He clung onto to me, and cried in my chest.
"Hey, it's ok I'm here." After he calmed down I called an ambulance. (Uh-)

~Time skip brought to you buy my dog that thinks she is better than everyone~

Baku P.O.V

What the hell? I'm staring at the bright ceiling  of the hospital. I start to remember what happened. Nononono. WHY IS IT ALEWYS ME? I start thinking back to everything, my breathing was getting quicker. I fell someone touch me.
"Just breathe, in and out." I listen to the person and my little panic attack eventually stopped. The nurse asked me how I feel and I lie saying I feel fine. I start crying when she left, all this shit always happens to me, always me, just why?! I was sobbing silently. Then the voices came back. Because you deserve it, they all just pity you. Yeah they are right I deserve it I'm nothing but a monster.

Words: 416
Yes this is a short chapter-

W-Why me [] Todoroki x Depressed Bakugou (Cover isn't mine) (OLD STORY)Where stories live. Discover now