Pt 15 (I think)

432 15 15

Baku POV:

A few weeks have passed and I haven't been feeling that depressed anymore.

~Meanwhile at the lov brought to you by borgor~

Dabi POV:

We were going to pull of our biggest stunt of all, attacking 1a class yet again, I swear boss must have a personal grudge against them or something I don't really understand. Kirishima has been all on going about getting Bakugou back, honestly maybe when I saw the boy on the street if I brought him back maybe this wouldn't be so annoying to hear. 

"Well I think we have it all planned out boss!" An exited Toga was talking to Shigaraki (WTF autocorrect corrected  Shigaraki to Shigaraka-) 

"Heh they would never expect it to be 2 traitors this will be perfect." The grin of our new member murmured. Well I could really care less about what happens anyways. 

~Time skip by my mom trying to make me go on a diet~

It was almost time for our little attack or whatever, we would kidnap Bakugou again, mainly because Kirishima wanted to, and try and eliminate some of the students, I could really care less about what happens though.

Ok I'm sorry for this rlly short chapter, I'm just starting to update again, and my cousion is calling me do I don't have much time to make more so oof :/

Words: 222

W-Why me [] Todoroki x Depressed Bakugou (Cover isn't mine) (OLD STORY)Where stories live. Discover now