Shoot Day!

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Your POV

It was finally the shoot day!

I can't wait to be on sets again. I miss it so much. I got in my car and drove to the sets, it's like 5 minutes drive away from where I live. Karan- my manager- was with me. Going over what I am supposed to do amd what I am not supposed to do.

"Bruh! Don't you trust me? I am not that stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"I know but you should know." he looked at the iPad in his hands. "DO NOT go anywhere without anyone."

"I've been listening that since I was 5. Come on say something new."

"good!" he patted my head like I'm a small kid. "see now that you're starring in a movie this big. I want you to be safe. I know you say alot of shit but you need to control yourself. You can get yourself in trouble." he ranted.

"I know I do talk shit but I think about what I'm saying. I am not a damn kid!" I banged the steering wheel.

"ohk. Stay aware of paparazzi here. You know it can be hard to deal with them." he locked his iPad screen which means he's finally done!

"ohk we're here." I parked my car and got out.

"also, I won't be here with you all the time so I have appointed an assistant for ya. Her name is Sarah. She's here, let's go and meet her."

I followed Karan to my trailer and there she was. She's gorgeous not gonna lie. Short brown hair, almost black eyes dressed farely formal.

"Hello YN! Nice to meet you." she said approaching with a handshake.

"Hello Sarah nice to meet you too." I shook her hand.

"you have a meeting in 10 minutes, by that time I can show you around." she says as she took the iPad Karan handed her.

"of course." I nodded.

She showed me around the set and my trailer. Then we directly headed to the cast meeting where I got to meet entire cast and some people from the main crew. We'll be rehearsing for a wekk amd then begin the actual shoot. Coolcoolcool.

We immediately started the rehearsals after meeting at an indoor set. The scenes are to be shot out door which makes me nervous cuz there will be people staring at us while he shot. Well, I shouldn't be cuz I literally shot a music video on street and even danced with my headphones on.

I read the next scene om the script where I have cry. Oh! I am pro at crying. I cry all the time! Everyone looked at me making me nervous..

"don't worry I cry all the time, I am pro at it." I shrugged off making Tom giggle.

It was lunch time by the time we were done rehearsing the 4th scene for the day.

"Hey YN." Tom's brother Harry approached me.


"Tom asked me to ask you if you wanna join us for lunch?" he asked.

"ohk." I nodded.

"cool." he smiled. I looked at Tom who was standing afar glaring at his brother but he looked away omce he noticed I saw him.

"is everything alright?" I chuckled.

"yeah." Harry shrugged.


*buzz buzz*

My phone buzzed. I received texts from Ajiah and Harry, Harry Styles. It's so confusing to be friends with two people with the same name.

Ajiah: yooooo! You up for lunch? I got rest of the day off from work.
Ajiah: Also I met Harry at work, I can ask him to join us too.

Oh yeah. I totally forgot, Ajiah got a job at a company which deals with musicians, I guess... as a manager. She joint last week. What do I say to her now? I can't turn her down! She's my bestie boo boo also Harry is one of my good friends now. I seriously have problem with turning people down.

YN: I am sorry Tom and Harry (Holland) asked me if I can join them.

Ajiah: it's fine, it's fine.


"you can ask them join." I heard Harry say.

I gasped, "you peeped in my phone?"

"you are blushing. I got curious sorry." he shrugged.

"I didn't mind. I was texting Ajiah."

"yeah.. I saw that." he said knowingly.

"seriously I am texting Ajiah." I defended myself.

"I know!" he nodded. "but you were blushing." but he didn't miss the opportunity to comment.

What the fuck? He said I am blushing! Huhhh? Why am I blushing? Shut up YN! Focus on your work!

"you think Tom will mind if they join us?" I asked. Cuz it's Tom's plan after all.

"I don't think he'll mind."

"I should go ask him." I walked to Tom who was talking to Jon.

"hey!" I smiled.

"hello!" he smiled back. "so are you up for lunch?"

"yeah. Uhh-" I was interrupted by Harry.

"do you mind if Ajiah and Harry join us?" He chimed.

I turned to Tom who didn't looked pleased. Holland is acting weird around Ajiah. There's definitely something I can't put my finger on as of now. I'll figure it out soon though.

"yeah." Tom nodded.

"you sure?" I asked just to be sure. He looks disappointed and I have no idea why. I always don't have any idea! I am so stupid.

"yeah." he repeated. "we'll leave in 5. I need to talk to my brother first."

"ohk." I shrugged and walked away texting Ajiah where to meet us.


I finally opened the chat with Harry.

Harry Styles: Hey! How was your first day of shoot?

YN: hey, rehearsals started from today. We'll probably start shooting next week.
YN: howz you're day going btw?
YN: your*

I immediately received a text back from him.

Harry Styles: kinda eventful.

I saw he's typing. But it stopped, he again started typing but stopped again. This happened a couple of times. What does he wanna say?

Harry Styles: I don't know if Ajiah asked you. Are you free for lunch?

YN: yeah she texted me. Tom, Harry and I are going to (restaurant name). You should definitely join us.
YN: Ajiah is coming too.

Harry Styles: it's alright you can go with your friends.

YN: I am not asking you. Come on dude!

Harry Styles: ohk ohk. I'll be there in 10.

YN: see ya. ✌

Harry Styles: see ya xx


The restaurant Tom suggested was closed for some reason so we headed to a different one. I love to have people over for meals. Like it's in my genes or something. My mum and dad always have people over on almost every weekends for meals. It's something I have learned from them and I enjoy. Maybe this is the reason I can't turn anyone down if they ask me to join them for a meal. Maybe... I don't know.

Or maybe I'm just a nice person! *shruggs*


(AN: I wanted to thank my Sarah for helping me out on this and futher few chapters. all_fandom_lover_05 please check her out, she is working on an amazing book!)

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