Upset For What?

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Your POV

After a little more fun and seeing Tom get his award and press, it was time for the after party. There was loud music playing. Everyone was dancing enjoying. The mum group was long lost at the party. It was like a night club. That's the vibe I am getting. People just dancing and drinking.

"you killed it with your performance girl!" Lizzo screamed as she approached me.

"aww thank you!" I hugged her. I love hugging people! "I love your music!"

"I love your music too!" she smiled.

"YN!" Billie exclaimed. I hugged her too. Again, I love hugging people. "congratulations!"

"thank you love!" I grinned.

"hey YN. Wanna go meet Selena?" Harry asked. He knows how obsessed I am with her.

"stop I'll start sobbing!" I sighed making him laugh.

"then you should, she's coming." he smiled his dimply smile. I found him really adorable. Like I said I cried hugging her. We all had amazing time.

"you need to make your own album now." Harry suggested.

"you think so?" I asked.

"yeah!" he nodded.

"will think about it. I have only worked on singles so far. But sure!"

"you want something to drink?"

"water please."

"ohk, I'll be right back."

"hey!" Tom chimed.

"hey, where were you?"

"just around. Would you like to dance?" he offered me his hand. I noticed they're playing a slow music. I am a nice person so I held his hand.

"of course!" I let him guide me to the where everyone is dancing. We danced for a while. Harry must be looking for me.

"Tom let's go back yeah?" I patted his shoulder.

"come on! I'm enjoying." he whined.

"my mum must be looking for me." I lied. I really don't want Harry to feel left out.

"alright." he nodded. I walked back to where Harry left me. He was standing there looking upset...? He just handed me my glass of water. I feel so bad!

He's mad at me now.

Wait... Why? My mind questioned.

Bruh! Talk to him. My heart said.

No, but why is he mad? It's not there's anything between us. My mind protested for no apparent reason.

Maybe there is something. Talk to him!

I know I have to talk to him. He's been avoiding me for like an hour now. And my narcissistic personality isn't ready to roll with it. Also it's budging me. I have no idea why.

"Harry Edward Styles!" I exclaimed.


"what's wrong with you?" I narrowed my eyes looking up at him. He's so fucking tall.

"nothing." he shrugged off.

"why have you been avoiding me?" I kept my hands on my hips.

"I am not avoiding you." he said and did the exact same this sipping whatever he's drinking.

"you gonna talk to me or not?" I pissed.

"What you wanna talk about?"

"why the hell you're avoiding me?" I said emphasising each word.

"I am not avoiding you." he said mimicking my tone.

"you are!" I protested. "see if you're not gonna tell why you're avoiding me. I'm leaving!"

He kept silent. He's upset for what? Cuz I disappeared all of sudden?

"speak up dude!"

"I- uhhh.. I-" he was interrupted by my mom.

"YN. We should go home now, Doll. It's getting late." she smiled.

"yes Mumma." I nodded. "please go ahead I'll come to you in a while."

"alright". She looked at Harry. "see you again Harry." she hugged him.

"see you, Nina." he hugged her back. My mum walked away.

"come on now. Speak up." I said.

"uhh.. YN, I- I don't know what you're talking about." he trying to scoot off. Now he's making me MAD!

"alright. Have a good night." I nodded and walked to my mum. She was saying bye to Nikki and Anne.

I drove us back home. Great! One of the most important day for me is just ruined.. Just in an hour. I seriously don't understand why the hell people don't speak up. I usually do not entertain people like this. But Harry is my good friend... A really good friend.

Also, I don't like being avoided!

Once we reach back home I directly went to my room, locked the door, changed into my PJs after taking my makeup off and tried to go to sleep. Failing miserably. I didn't realised Rogers was in my room, he came and snuggled up to me. Purring loudly he licked my chin. I sometimes wonder if he is actually a dog trapped in a body of a cat.


Next day, I woke up after what felt like 5 minutes when I fell asleep. I turned off my alarm. I seriously couldn't sleep last night. I layed down back on my bed when I received a call from Sarah. I answered it.

"hey, good morning." I said.

"Good morning." she chimed. A little too energetic for this early in the morning for me. "They're starting shoot from today."

"ohk. I'll be there in an hour." I yawned.

"you didn't slept last night?"

"I tried." I stare the ceiling. "ohk. I'll be there I need to take a shower."

"yup." she hung up.

I called Harry. It happened subconsciously. But his phone was switched off, I disconnected the call and went to take a shower. I changed up, took my bag and walked out.

"YN. Aunty made some bomb food." Ajiah chimed.

"enjoy!" I smiled taking my car keys.

"you're not gonna eat your breakfast?" Samar asked.

"I am not hungry, I'll have something if I'm hungry. I'm getting late now. Bye!" I walked out and drove to the sets.

"good morning YN!" Tom greeted.

"morning." I smiled amd went to my trailer to get ready for the shoot. I tried calling Harry again but his phone was still switched off. Where is he? Should I ask Gemma? No, I shouldn't. I locked my phone and kept it aside.

Shoot went on till 11pm. I didn't evwn had my lunch. Am I overreacting? I don't feel like eating anything. But my stomach is grumbling. I grabbed something from McDonald's and drove back home. Everyone was asleep Ajiah was not home. I went to sleep.

Or at least I tried to.

I am just overreacting.

Or maybe I'm not. I don't know..

I Don't Hate You But I Don't Like You.Where stories live. Discover now